| - FACT CHECK: Do The Days Of The Week Occur Exactly Four Times In February Only Every 823 Years?
An image shared on Facebook claims for the first time in 823 years, February will have each day of the week exactly four times.
Verdict: False
All days of the week happen precisely four times every February, except in leap years.
Fact Check:
A Feb. 1 Facebook post says the month of February features the days of the week occurring exactly four times each this year. “This happens once every 823 years,” the post concludes. “This is called MiracleIn.” (RELATED: Did NASA Announce A 13th Zodiac Sign?)
Every day of the week will take place four times in February 2022, but this occurrence happens every year, except in leap years. The month comprises 28 days in three out of every four consecutive years, as can be seen in the 2021, 2022 and upcoming 2023 calendars. February is the shortest month of the year, with every other month always spanning 30 or 31 days.
In leap years, which occur once every four years, February has 29 days instead of 28. In those cases, there are six weekdays that occur four times each, while the seventh happens five times. The most recent leap year occured in 2020, resulting in a February with five Saturdays. The next one will be 2024, when the month will include five Thursdays.
Leap years have been observed for over 2,000 years. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar included leap days in his Julian calendar, enacted in 45 B.C., according to CNN. Leap days were officially assigned to the end of February in the 16th century, with the Gregorian calendar’s adoption under Pope Gregory XIII, the outlet reported. The anomaly is mainly to keep the calendar aligned with astronomical seasons, according to
Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that suggested the State of the Union address would take place on Feb. 2, the same day as Groundhog day.