| - Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Nivedita
Quick Take
A late-night teleshopping advertisement on Indian television sells an oil named ISO+, claiming it to be an instant fat-reducing oil. The advertisement further claims that rubbing it on the skin will result in smoke as a result of fat burning. We investigated and found the claim to be False.
The Claim
The website of the product ISO Plus claims it is an ‘instant slimming oil’ and ‘Ayurveda Slimming Massage Oil’. The product description on the website reads – ‘ISO Plus literally burns away the fat right in front of you – all in just 10 minutes. When you massage your tummy, arms, and thighs using ISO Plus, the ayurvedic ingredients immediately start penetrating into the skin until it reaches the fat layer. It then burns the fat accumulated beneath the skin. The best thing is ISO Plus is that it is completely natural and it actively stimulates natural fat burning inside the human body.’
The late night teleshopping Ads of the product as well as videos on the product website show rubbing the oil on the skin is resulting into smoke emission which the anchor explains – ‘ISO PLUS contains the right mixture of herbs that penetrates deep into the body and burns the stored fat. After a 10 minute massage with ISO Plus you can literally see smoke coming out of the area, which is the fat that has just been burnt.’
The archived version of the website can be seen here and a portion of the Ad video is below:
Fact Check
Can ISO Plus burn fat instantly?
There has been no scientific evidence about ANY oil massage being able to reduce fat – instantly or long term. Instant body fat burning naturally has been cited as not possible by medical practitioners.
The website or Advertisement of ISO Plus does not mention about any particular invention. It only states, ‘Formulated using natural herbs’ and ‘natural ayurvedic herbs combined together’. We called up the company to enquire about any particular invention related to the formulation of ISO Plus oil but the company refused to comment.
Furthermore, the company doesn’t reveal its ingredients anywhere in the product page or television advertisements.
Multiple reviews on Facebook explain how ISO Plus has proved to be ineffective after use.
So, we could not find any proof about the miraculous ability that ISO PLus claim to have. We do not believe that ISO Plus can reduce fat instantly.
What does Ayurveda say about reducing fat? Is there any particular herb in Ayurveda that can give ISO Plus its power?
We asked experts of our Fact-Checking partner Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda (ĀCĀRA) about what Ayurveda mentions about body fat reduction and if the claims of ISO Plus can be possible.
They say, “This cannot be possible. Udvartanam or massage of the body with herbal powders is recommended in Ayurveda as a supportive treatment for excess fat build-up. But not as a cure for it.
Ayurveda states that obesity is a condition difficult to cure. In fact, the text states bluntly that it is almost an incurable disease – na hi sthulasya bheshajam.
There is no magical remedy for obesity. No single medicine internal or external can treat the problem. Stress management, lifestyle and diet constitute the main approach to treatment. Medicines, either external or internal are only supportive. The more patients comply with the comprehensive protocol, the better the results. Obesity also requires an individualized treatment protocol.”
This story was Fact-Checked in association with the experts of Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda (ĀCĀRA) under a partnership between THIP Media & ĀCĀRA to Fact Check Ayurveda-based myths and misinformation.