| - The source of this information was a Telegram channel, which deliberately publishes fictitious news. Neither such a YouTube blog nor the blogger exist, and the photo was taken from Zaporizhzhya public groups.
Social media users have started spreading identical posts claiming that an “infamous Kyiv blogger” conducted a social experiment by strolling through Kyiv dressed as Hitler and was “shocked by the results”.
Yak Hnatyuk, the creator of the YouTube channel Gnatiuk Right Now, reported that “people approached me and shook my hand”.
Using the Osavul platform, we found that this message first appeared on the Telegram channel “and here’s my Yandex wallet”. The channel’s description states that it publishes “parody, satire on political reality, only verified fakes”. StopFake has already recorded similar cases where fakes originating from this channel were later spread as real news.
We also attempted to find any information about the blogger Yan Hnatyuk and his blog Gnatiuk Right Now but found neither the blogger nor the blog, further confirming that it was fabricated.
A reverse image search showed that this photo first appeared in social media groups from Zaporizhzhia, with the caption: “Hitler spotted in Zaporizhzhia.” Local sources did not specify why the man was wearing the costume.
Previously, StopFake has debunked other fake stories spread by propaganda to convince both domestic and international audiences that Ukrainians supposedly adhere to Nazi ideology. Here they are: Fake: Fascism and Nazism Thrive in Ukraine, Fake: Ukraine Names Military Battalion after Hitler Follower, and Fake: Over 1,000 Uses of Nazi Symbols by Ukrainian Forces in Kursk Region — BBC.