What was claimed
A photo shows Jeremy Corbyn at an IRA funeral.
Our verdict
The photo has been edited to include Mr Corbyn.
A photo shows Jeremy Corbyn at an IRA funeral.
The photo has been edited to include Mr Corbyn.
The same photo shows Jeremy Corbyn wearing an ‘I heart the IRA’ t-Shirt.
The photo of Jeremy Corbyn has been edited.
A photo of Jeremy Corbyn appearing to wear a t-shirt saying ‘I heart the IRA’, and walking in a paramilitary procession, has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and appeared across the internet.
However, the photo has been edited to include Mr Corbyn and to change the design on his t-shirt. The original image almost certainly comes from the funeral of IRA member Tony Catney. The image of Mr Corbyn, which has been edited in, comes from a separate picture of him wearing a blue t-shirt. The text on the t-shirt has also been changed.
The image has been circulating online for a number of years and has been the subject of scrutiny throughout.
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