| - Last Updated on June 18, 2022 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A social media post claims that you can lose belly fat with a specific diet in one day. We fact-checked and found this claim to be Mostly False.
The Claim
A video on YouTube with the caption, “How to lose belly fat in 1 night with this diet” shows a video on how you can get a flat tummy in 1 night by having a diet full of juices, tea and smoothies in the entire day. The video is embedded down below.
Fact Check
How can body fat be reduced?
Fat can be reduced by eating a balanced diet with fibre and protein. One should also avoid alcohol, processed foods, sugar, and high-fat food items.
Physical activities such as exercise, strength training, and swimming will help reduce fat. Research states that a type of belly fat called visceral fat is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions. Hence, one must lose extra fat and keep the BMI (Body Mass Index) in proportion. Physical activities such as exercise, strength training, and swimming will help reduce fat.
Can obesity be reduced only through diet?
No. A lot of factors such as diet, physical activity, sleep, etc., come into the picture when losing weight. Diet definitely plays a major role but it is not the sole factor. Overconsumption of any such diet can be harmful; therefore, one must not be dependent on using them in large quantities.
Dr. P. Rammanohar, Research Director, Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda (ĀCĀRA) explains, “Ayurveda states that obesity is a condition difficult to cure. In fact, the text states bluntly that it is almost an incurable disease – na hi sthulasya bheshajam. There is no magical remedy for obesity. No single medicine internal or external can treat the problem. Stress management, lifestyle, and diet constitute the main approach to treatment. Medicines, either external or internal are only supportive. The more patients comply with the comprehensive protocol, the better the results. Obesity also requires an individualized treatment protocol.”
Umesh Wadhavani, Nutritionist, shares a similar view, “No single food item can cause or prevent a chronic health condition. It is the amalgamation of various factors including your diet, daily routine, workplace stress, relationships, sleep, movement, etc., that affect health.”
Can you lose belly fat with a diet in one night?
No. Fat reduction can only be achieved naturally by weight loss through physical activity and a well-balanced calorie-deficit diet. Also, weight loss can’t be specific to a region; the whole body loses weight altogether, even though the visible differences can slightly vary.
Lastly, it is not possible to reduce fat in one night naturally. It is a gradual process that takes a lot of effort and time. Hence, the claim is mostly false.
We further checked with Dt. Priyanka, who opines, “No, losing fat is a multidimensional approach. If you want to lose fat, you need to find out the cause of weight gain: inflammation, leaky gut, hormone imbalance, toxins, low metabolism, intake of medicines like steroids, etc. Once you identify the cause, you need to modify your diet and lifestyle accordingly to lose fat.”
Nutritionist Wadhavani also clarifies this by stating, “No diet in isolation can help you reduce your belly fat in a short span that has occurred because of months and months of lifestyle habits and it can only go with the help of consistent lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet, proper intake of water, taking good sleep, doing regular exercise and living a stress-free life.”