Did Atlanta, Georgia appoint muslim Mike Alig-Juzfahrted as Atlanta schools superintendent? No, that's not true: the information came from a meme posted by a site set up to troll conservatives. It is not real.
The meme was posted on May 23, 2018 by the Facebook page "America's Last Line Of Defense" with the caption:
The text on the meme itself read:
Atlanta, Georgia appoints a muslim as Atlanta schools superintendent: Mike AliG-Juzfahrted. Share if you have had enough!
The name Mike Alig-Juzfahrted seems to be made up. Ali G. is a character from Sacha Baron Cohen and "Juzfahrted", well, that stinks.
The man in the picture is actually Mohamed Bakr and it was taken during this event:
Ask a Muslim, close the knowledge gap
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. In 2010, researchers counted 1.6 billion Muslims around the globe; approximately 23 percent of the world population. There are 3.3 million Muslims in the United States; approximately 1 percent of our population.
The real superintendent of Atlanta public schools is Meria Joel Carstarphen:
Meet the Superintendent / Dr. Meria J. Carstarphen, Superintendent
And of course the 'About' page of the Facebook page that published the meme carries following warnings:
Nothing on this page is real. It is a collection of the satirical whimsies of liberal trolls masquerading as conservatives. You have been warned.
Use the force and the truth shall reveal itself. Just not here. Ever.
Good Old Fashioned Liberal Troll Provided Fantasy presented as comedy to the left and a social experiment to the right. Please don't hurt the Trumpanzees. they'll be gone in a few years back to the shadows from whence they came and we'll be back to trolling Tea Turds.