| - Fact Check: Post claiming almonds work better than aspirin for headaches is misleading
Viral post claiming almonds work better than aspirin for headaches is misleading. There is no scientific evidence that confirms almonds can replace aspirin.
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: Mar 28, 2022 at 03:28 PM
- Updated: Mar 29, 2022 at 10:56 AM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A viral post on social media claims that almonds work better than aspirin. The post suggests eating 10-12 almonds if you have a headache. The post further claims that 10-12 almonds are equivalent to eating two aspirins. Vishvas News investigated and found the claim to be misleading.
A social media post reads: “HEADACHE REMEDY. Eat 10-12 almonds, the equivalent of two aspirins, next time you have a headache.”
The archived version of the post can be checked here.
Vishvas News investigated and found that Aspirin is in a group of medications called salicylates. It works by stopping the production of certain natural substances that cause fever, pain, swelling, and blood clots.
We further investigated and found a 2001 report on the website of National Library of Media that stated that aspirin is an acetylated salicylate belonging to a group called salicylates that inhibits the production of prostaglandin by targeting the cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 or -2 activity to relieve moderate headaches.
The overuse of salicylates in all forms may cause headaches, as per another report.
As per a report Sydney Local Health District, NSW Government suggested, almonds also contain salicylates. As salicin is naturally-occurring salicylate, it is believed that almonds can cure headaches or even migraine completely.
Some studies also suggest that almonds are effective against headaches.
A BiomedCentral study analysed the relationship between diet and headache. Read here.
However, none of the studies mentioned above explain the mechanism through which diet reduces headaches. Hence, further research is required to establish that almonds can cure headaches or replace aspirin for the treatment of headaches.
Vishvas News spoke to Dr. Abhishek Juneja, Consultant Neurologist, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Dr. Juneja’s Neuro Center. He said: “There is no scientific evidence that confirms almonds can replace aspirin. Although almonds are considered as healthy food, there is no scientific evidence that can prove their use as a remedy in headache.”
The post is shared on Facebook by a page named ‘Nutritionist Alizay khattak’. We scanned the page and found that there were multiple posts related to diet and nutrition. The page has 65 followers.
Conclusion: Viral post claiming almonds work better than aspirin for headaches is misleading. There is no scientific evidence that confirms almonds can replace aspirin.
- Claim Review : A social media post reads: “HEADACHE REMEDY. Eat 10-12 almonds, the equivalent of two aspirins, next time you have a headache.”
- Claimed By : FB page: Nutritionist Alizay khattak
- Fact Check : Misleading
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