| - Fact-Check: The woman seen carrying stones on her head in the viral image is not Padmashila Tirpude
The woman labourer shown in the viral image is not Padmashila Tirpude. She had never done the labour work. The viral post is misleading.
- By: Amanpreet Kaur
- Published: Nov 3, 2020 at 03:08 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A picture is going viral on the different platforms of social media. One can see two women in the picture. On one side there is a woman carrying a little kid with a grinding stone on her head. In the second picture a woman can be seen in the uniform of a police personnel. It is being claimed in the picture that the woman is Padmashila Tirpude, the financial condition at her husband’s house was bad which forced her to sell grinding stone and support her home. After which she studied, completed her graduation and qualified the PSI exam for MPSC and today she is a sub-inspector.
Vishvas News in its investigation found that the woman carrying a grinding stone on her head is not Padmashila Tirpude. She has never sold grinding stone.
This claim was shared by a Facebook user, सक्सेना विशु. Along with the picture he shared a caption, and wrote.
इस महिला का नाम है पद्मशीला तिरपुड़े…
भंडारा ज़िले की वे निवासी हैं और इन्होंने प्रेम विवाह किया है।
पति के घर के हालात बिकट होने से उन्होंने खलबत्ता और पत्थर के सिलबट्टे बेचते हुए और इस बच्चे को संभालते हुए, यशवंतराव चव्हाण मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय से शिक्षा हासिल कर, महाराष्ट्र राज्य PSC में
पी.एस.आई की परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की है।
वे बौद्ध परिवार से आती हैं…
उनकी मेहनत को हम सैल्यूट करते हैं।
शिक्षा में परिस्थिति व्यवधान नहीं बनती, परिस्थिति केवल बहाना होती है। इस महिला ने ये साबित कर दिखाया है।
The name of this woman is Padmashila Tirpude…
She is a resident of Bhandara, she did a love marriage
The financial condition of her husband’s family was bad, due to which she took to selling grinding stones taking care of her kid, followed by which she completed her education from Yashwantrao Chavan Open University and cleared the Maharashtra state PSC, PSI examination.
She comes from a Buddha family.
We salute her hard work.
The condition is never an excuse. This woman has proved it.
Check the post and its archive version here.
Vishvas News investigated the claims one by one.
The name of the woman is Padmashila Tirpude.
Vishvas News in its investigation found that the woman seen in the police uniform is indeed Padmashila Tirpude. The badge on her uniform too says her name. However, the woman seen carrying a child and the grinding stone over her head is not Padmashila Tirpude. Vishvas News contacted Padmashila Tirpude. She confirmed that the woman carrying the child is not her. We could not confirm the identity of the lady carrying the child.
She is a resident of Bhandara and did love marriage.
Padmashila confirmed that she is a resident of Bhandara and she did love marriage.
She took to selling grinding stone since the financial condition of her husband’s family was bad.
Padmashila told us that the financial condition of her husband’s house was indeed not good, but she never worked, she was a housewife.
She completed her graduation from Yashwantrao Chavan Open University handling her baby and after that she cleared her PSI examination of Maharashtra State.
Padmashila told us that after the birth of both her kids she completed her graduation and then started preparing for competitive examination and qualified the PSI exam.
She comes from a Buddha family.
The claim is correct, she comes from a Buddha family, which she herself confirmed.
Talking to Vishvas News Padmashila Tirpude told us that the post had gone viral over three years ago as well on social media. She had clarified back then too that the woman carrying the grinding stone is not her. She had never done the labour work. She told us that right now she is posted in Nagpur.
The post was shared by the Facebook User, सक्सेना विशु. After we scanned the profile of the user, we found that he is a resident of Delhi.
Conclusion: The woman labourer shown in the viral image is not Padmashila Tirpude. She had never done the labour work. The viral post is misleading.
- Claim Review : Padmashila Tirpude used to sell grinding stones before becoming a sub-inspector
- Claimed By : Saksena Vishu
- Fact Check : Misleading
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