| - Did Joe Biden tweet that Kenosha, Wisconsin, has fewer Black people "which means less looting"? No, that's not true. The did not come from Biden's verified Twitter account. Kenosha, Wisconsin, is where Jacob Blake was shot by the police on August 23, 2020, and there have been ongoing protests in the city.
The claim appeared as a post (archived here) published on Facebook on September 7, 2020, titled: "When your inner racist comes out...." It opened:
When I was in Kenosha there wasn't half the damage that real Donald Trump made it out to be. He's always gaslighting that the problems are in Democrat ran cities. What I observed in Kenosha was fewer black people than in major cities which means less looting. So we can't just say the problems are just because who runs the cities and states.
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Sep 8 17:39:29 2020 UTC)
This tweet was not sent from Biden's account.
The Facebook post above the tweet did not have identifying tags.
On other Facebook accounts the fake tweet shows metadata including a date, number of retweets and likes as well as showing it was sent from "Twitter for iPhone."
Can someone interpret for me?Posted by Bill Finnearty on Monday, September 7, 2020
The tweet metadata says it was sent at 9:12 am on 04/09/2020. In the United States the date is written month, day, year which would make the date the tweet is sent April 9, 2020. Biden did not send this tweet on April 9, 2020 either.
The creator of the fake tweet used the European way of writing the date, which is day, month, year to indicate September 4, 2020. Biden also did not send this tweet on September 4, 2020.
Biden tweeted/re-tweeted seven times on September 4, 2020, and this tweet was not one of them.
Now is not the time for a victory lap, Mr. President. Just because your wealthy friends and donors are doing well doesn't mean everyone else is.-- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 4, 2020
Get off the golf course. Call the leaders of Congress to the White House. And make a deal that delivers for working people.
Every day Donald Trump proves how morally unfit he is to lead our nation.-- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 5, 2020
In 60 days, we have to vote him out.
Tune in as I discuss how our economic crisis has been worsened by President Trump's failure to get COVID-19 under control: Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 4, 2020
Every day we are thankful for our veterans and fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.@JoeBiden understands our sacred duty to care for our heroes and their families when they return Team Joe (Text JOE to 30330) (@TeamJoe) September 4, 2020
Mr. President, if you don't respect our troops, you can't lead them. Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 4, 2020