| - On 14 May 2018, the Facebook page for the America's Last Line of Defense web site shared the following photograph purportedly showing "illegals lining up to vote in Battsville, Arizona":
Readers may notice that the city of Battsville, Arizona, does not exist. And a reverse image search quickly demonstrated that the photograph was in fact a Reuters news service photo taken during an election in Mexico in June 2017, as noted in its caption: "A woman prepares her ballot as other people wait in line to cast their votes for governor of the State of Mexico at a polling station in Chimalhuacan, Mexico."
In short, the image's location, date, and the events depicted were all completely misrepresented; furthermore, it is impossible to discern anyone's citizenship or documentation status by appearance alone.
This meme is a simply a fabrication created by America’s Last Line of Defense, a site that is part of a network of fake news sites dedicated to spreading political misinformation and disinformation under the guise of proffering “satire.”