| - On 2 October 2016, the Boston Tribune web site published an article reporting that Jodi Arias was being released from prison early despite having been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of the murder of her boyfriend, Travis Alexander:
Officials from the Arizona Department of Corrections have confirmed that Jodi Arias will be granted early-release from the Arizona State Prison Complex – Perryville, located in Goodyear, Arizona.
According to Greg Carter, a representative from the Arizona Department of Corrections, Arias will be released from the Arizona State Prison Complex – Perryville on September 15th, 2016, and will be under strict house-arrest for 5-months. Additionally, Arias will be required to maintain regular contact with a state-appointed parole officer for the first 3 -years upon her release. When Carter was asked to provide additional details surrounding the “incident” involving Arias, he declined to further comment.
Arias’ attorney, Colin Wright, made the following statement within his earlier CNN interview, “My client (Jodi Arias) and I are not permitted to discuss the incident leading-up to her early-release from the Arizona State Prison per a contractual agreement, however, let’s just say that Mrs. Arias was at the right place at the right time and it’s in The Arizona Department of Correction’s best interest to grant her immediate release.”
None of this was true. The commutation of Arias' sentence from life in prison to a very early release would certainly have been a major news story if it were true.
The Boston Tribune (like the Baltimore Gazette) is just a fake news site disguised as the online outlet of a major-city newspaper. The former is a rebranded version of Associated Media Coverage, a fake news site known for fabricated stories about new laws or statutes that would affect a specific subset of the population. Although a number of fake or "satirical" news sites include disclaimers informing readers their content is fabricated, Associated Media Coverage and the Boston Tribune do not.