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Claim: The Argentine coast guard fired at a Chinese vessel for illegally fishing in Argentina’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Both the thumbnail and the title of the YouTube video contain the claim. The claim is, however, based on an article published by an online site SeafoodSource titled, “Argentine coast guard opens fire on Chinese fishing vessel.”
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The video containing the claim has 8,320 views as of writing. It is also reposted on Facebook.
The facts: The claim presented by SeafoodSource is old news that happened four years ago. The article cited in the video was published on March 4, 2019. SeafoodSource, in its about page, claims to be an “online news and knowledge resource center” that offers content catering to seafood industry professionals. And it posted video about aggression at sea.
What happened: Argentina’s naval force, Naval Prefecture Argentina (PNA), reported that their vessel Mantilla fired at the Chinese fishing vessel Huang Xiang 801 for illegally entering Argentina’s EEZ on March 2, 2019. The vessel was fired at 199 nautical miles (358 kilometers) from the San Jorge Gulf.
No current news: No similar news about the incident has been reported recently. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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