| - FACT CHECK: Did CNN Publish This Tweet About A Ukrainian Hotel That Was Destroyed By Russian Bombers?
An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows a tweet from CNN about a famous hotel in Ukraine that was destroyed by Russian bombers.
Verdict: False
A CNN spokesperson stated the tweet was not real. The screengrab has been digitally fabricated.
Fact Check:
Ukraine has suffered at least $100 billion in infrastructure damage since Russia’s invasion of the country began, according to a U.N. report. In the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol, about 80 percent of residential infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, the charity Direct Relief reports.
The Facebook post appears to show a tweet from CNN highlighting the destruction. The alleged tweet includes an image of a large building in ruins with a caption that states, “These are the remains of the once famous ukrainian resort hotel Peace after the air attack from russian bombers #StandingWithUkraine.”
“Hotel Peace? No, this is the Zvonachka-Banya resort in Serbia,” reads the Facebook post’s caption. “CNN and the other networks are using recycled war photos to sell the war to its cadre of zombies.”
A reverse image search traced the photo of the ruined hotel to a 2010 blog post, which identified it as Hotel Mir, also known as Zvonacka Banja, located in Svonce, Serbia. Video of the abandoned building can be seen in a July 2020 YouTube video by user Bloo Planet.
However, the screengrab of the CNN tweet is digitally fabricated. While the network has extensively covered the conflict, there is no evidence it published such a tweet. There is no record of it on the network’s Twitter pages, nor on web archives of those pages.
The alleged tweet is also not formatted correctly. The image featured in the post does not have rounded edges like those from legitimate tweets found on the network’s account.
“This photo/tweet is fabricated and not real,” Bridget Leininger, a spokesperson for CNN, told Check Your Fact in an email. (RELATED: Did CNN Air A 7-Year-Old Image Of An Explosion In Its Coverage Of The War In Ukraine?)
This is not the first time CNN has been the target of fabricated tweets surrounding the conflict in Ukraine. Check Your Fact recently debunked a series of fabricated tweets from the network about the same man being killed in Afghanistan and Ukraine.