| - FACT CHECK: No, This Video Does Not Show Satan Worshippers In The UK
A video shared on Facebook purportedly shows satanic worshippers marching on the street in the U.K.
Verdict: False
The video shows the Red Rebel Brigade, an international performance artivist troupe, during a demonstration.
Fact Check:
The Aug. 30 video shows people dressed in red floor-length garments marching towards a line of police officers while singing. A man off-camera can be heard repeatedly shouting that the group was “Satanic masonries.” The video’s caption reads, “END TIME IS NEAR. Satanic worshippers worshipping Satan on the street in the United Kingdom, I don’t even care how people will feel about it.”
The video does not, however, show Satanic worshippers in the U.K. A keyword search turned up results of images of a group called the Red Rebel Brigade. Text on the group’s website explains, “We are an international performance artivist troupe dedicated to illuminating the global environmental crisis and supporting groups and organisations fighting to save humanity and all species from mass extinction.”
The Red Rebel Brigade and Extinction Rebellion are both movements that protest to fight climate change, and the Red Rebel Brigade has previously attended protests held by Extinction Rebellion, according to Metro UK. Check Your Fact found no indication that the Red Rebel Brigade worships satan. (RELATED: Image Claims Pope Francis Made A Satanic Hand Gesture)
Extinction Rebellion activists gathered in London for two weeks beginning Aug. 23 to protest, urging the government to halt new fossil-fuel investments, Sky News reported. The Red Rebel Brigade can be seen at the Extinction Rebellion rallies in videos posted on Twitter and Periscope.
At least 10,000 people gathered near the rallies during the first four days, according to BBC News. More than 500 people had been arrested during the protests as of Sept. 4, the U.K.’s Metro Police reported.