| - What was claimed
A video shows Shamima Begum, who left the UK for Syria in 2015, beheading someone.
Our verdict
The video is not of Ms Begum. The rest of the video shows that it’s a different and much younger person.
A video shows Shamima Begum, who left the UK for Syria in 2015, beheading someone.
The video is not of Ms Begum. The rest of the video shows that it’s a different and much younger person.
This article links to violent and potentially distressing images and videos.
An image, which claims to show 19 year-old Shamima Begum (the teenager who left the UK for Syria in 2015) beheading a man, has been shared over 14,000 times on Facebook.
It’s not Ms Begum in the video. Other screenshots from the video show that it is a different, much younger person, and not Ms Begum.
The video was first covered by the British press in July 2015.
In February 2015, Ms Begum, then aged 15, went to Syria with two other girls. The Home Office recently contacted her family saying it intends to remove her British citizenship.
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