| - Fact Check: Dermatologists Warn Toothpaste Isn’t The Reliable Solution For Acne; Viral Post Is Misleading
Dermatologists warn that the toothpaste isn’t the reliable solution for acne. The viral post is misleading. Most of the ingredients in toothpaste are skin drying in nature and carry a potential of causing irritant dermatitis or skin allergy, experts warn.
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: Apr 16, 2021 at 04:12 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A viral post on social media claims that the most reliable acne solution has always been and still is toothpaste. Vishvas News investigated and found the claim to be misleading.
A post shared on Twitter reads: “i love the skin care industry and all of its trends but the most reliable acne solution has always been and still is toothpaste.”
The archived version of the post can be checked here.
Vishvas News started its investigation by searching on Google using appropriate keywords. We found a tweet on the handle of The British Association of Dermatologists. As per the tweet: “Toothpaste does include anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients, but it can be irritating to the skin and causes severe discolouration. You should instead use targeted acne treatments which are safe to apply to the skin.”
We further searched and found a report dated October 14, 2019, by the Cleveland Clinic, a US-based academic medical center. The report says that toothpaste is “not intended to be put directly on your face”.
The report used the quote of a dermatologist who stated: “Many toothpastes contain ingredients like alcohol or baking soda that may help dry out a pimple. But, toothpaste also contains other ingredients that aren’t intended to be put directly on your face.” The dermatologist cautions that using toothpaste to treat a pimple could possibly irritate your skin.
Vishvas News spoke to Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi who is a Dermatologist. He said: “Once upon a time a chemical Triclosan was used in toothpaste which had antibacterial properties and killed acne-causing bacteria but now the toothpastes don’t contain this. Also, after application of toothpaste, there is a cooling sensation due to menthol which reduces the pain and swelling in acne on a temporary basis and gives a sense of improvement. However, most of the ingredients in toothpaste are skin drying in nature and carry the potential of causing irritant dermatitis or skin allergy. So we strictly advise our patients not to apply toothpaste on acne, it may cause irreparable damages in the skin.”
We scanned the profile of the Twitter user who shared the viral post. We found that the user named joan paul jones has 523 followers till the time this fact-checked article was published.
Conclusion: Dermatologists warn that the toothpaste isn’t the reliable solution for acne. The viral post is misleading. Most of the ingredients in toothpaste are skin drying in nature and carry a potential of causing irritant dermatitis or skin allergy, experts warn.
- Claim Review : The most reliable acne solution has always been and still is toothpaste
- Claimed By : Twitter user: joan paul jones
- Fact Check : Misleading
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