| - The Bharatiya Janata Party's Delhi unit has rubbished a letter claiming to be from one of its office bearers instigating party workers to resort to violence to stop farmers from organising a tractor rally on Republic Day.
On Monday, a screenshot of the letter bearing the letterhead of Bharatiya Janata Party, Delhi Pradesh and an alleged signature of one Rajesh Bhatia, general secretary, was viral on social media.
BOOM reached out to Naveen Kumar, BJP Delhi media cell head who refuted the viral claim. He also told us that Bhatia is no longer the general secretary of the party's state unit. Kumar also sent us a statement rubbishing the viral letter as 'fake news'.
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The letter, dated January 15, 2021, has a message in Hindi which translates to 'An appeal in nation's interest regarding the farmers' protest: This is to inform all the workers and member of the party that owing to the stubborn nature of the farmers, there has been no conclusive result of the various meetings held between the government and the farmers. It's time now that we strengthen the country in view of national interest. We will have to stop any damage to government property (mobile tower, shops, BJP offices) and stop any speeches and actions that go against the government. We will have to put in all efforts to stop the farmers from organising a tractor rally by farmer unions on January 26, 2021 in Delhi. Towards this, if need arises, you should resort to violence to meet these atrocities. We assure you that no action will be taken against you. We appeal to our workers and members to stay in touch with their state chiefs/offices'.
The letter has been allegedly signed off by Rajesh Bhatia whose designation has been mentioned as general secretary and state party office chief.
(Hindi: राष्ट्रहित में किसान आंदोलन संबंधी आग्रह: सभी कार्यकर्ताओं और स्वयंसेवकों को सूचित किया जाता है कि किसान नेता और सरकार के बीच हो रही बातचीत का, किसानो के ज़िद्दी और अड़ियल रवैया की वजह से, कोई परिणाम नहीं निकलता देख हमें खुद को राष्ट्रहित हेतु मजबूत करना होगा. कहीं भी सरकारी संपत्ति को नुक्सान (मोबाइल टावर, दूकान, बीजेपी कार्यालय आदि) और सरकार विरोधी गतिविधियों और भाषणों को वर्जित करना होगा. किसान संगठनों द्वारा दिल्ली में की जा रही 26 जनवरी 2021 की ट्रैक्टर रैली का विरोध करते हुए इन देशद्रोहियों की हर कोशिश नाकाम करने का प्रयत्न करना होगा.
अतः जरुरत पड़ने पर ज़ुल्म के बदले की गयी हिंसा पर कोई भी क़ानूनी करवाई ना होने का भरोसा दिलाते हुए, आने वाले रणनीति के लिए हम अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओं और स्वयंसेवकों को अपने प्रदेश अध्यक्ष/नज़दीकी कार्यालय से संपर्क में रहने का आग्रह करते हैं.)
The viral letter has been tweeted by Surendra Rajput, media panelist of the Indian National Congress on January 18, 2021.
The letter has been shared on Facebook with same claim.
BOOM reached out to the media cell head of Delhi BJP unit Naveen Kumar who refuted the viral claim.
Kumar told us that Rajesh Bhatia was the general secretary of the party's state unit seven months ago. "Rajesh Bhatia is not the general secretary now. He himself registered a police complaint at Rajendranagar police station," Kumar told BOOM.
Naveen Kumar also shared with BOOM a copy of the complaint filed by Rajesh Bhatia.
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In his complaint, Bhatia has mentioned that his signature was forged on the letterhead of Delhi BJP office urging people to resort to violence against the protesting farmers.
Naveen Kumar also shared with us a copy of the statement issued on the same.
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