| - Several posts on social media have distorted the history of Haldiram's to falsely purport that the snack-making company, which is a household name, is being run by Muslims.
There is no evidence to support this, as public records and information available with the government through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs shows.
The viral forward started circulating online after several users of social media earlier this month took objection to the fact that there was text in Arabic on the packaging of Haldiram's falahari mixture, a type of snack. A reporter with Sudarshan TV, a pro-Hindutva channel, went to one of Haldiram's outlets and ambushed an employee stationed at the outlet about the packaging.
The claims states that a fictitious Ghasi Lal, the son of an unnamed founder (according to the claim) started a factory and expanded this business while his sons, Naresh Khandelwal and Yogesh, again made up, have sold it to a Muslim. The claim concludes by stating that the company, which is prominent brand name, is running the business under a 'Hindu' name.
While the company started off in Bikaner, Rajasthan in 1937 by Ganga Bhishen Agarwal - fondly called 'Haldiram' - and is now divided in three zones divided by his grandson.
The claim can be seen below.
Text of the claim
|Literal translation (English)
आप सब को पता नहीं है कि #हल्दीराम_नमकीन अब वर्तमान में मुस्लिम के अधीन है ।
इसका मालिक नरेश खण्डेलवाल ने यह कम्पनी एक मुस्लिम को बेच दी है।
हल्दी राम इसके दादा थे और उन्होंने ही नमकीन बनाने का कार्य किया जो कि अच्छा चला तो हल्दी राम के पुत्र घासी लाल ने इसे फेक्ट्री लगा कर जन जन तक पहुंचाने का कार्य किया । फिर इनके लडके योगेश व नरेश दोनों लडकों ने मुस्लिम को यह कम्पनी बेच दी है
हल्दी_राम एक ब्रांड बन गया है. लेकिन यह विधर्मियों के अधीन है, अतः शुद्धता का तो दूर - दूर तक ही नाता नहीं है । ऐसे में यह नमकीन का प्रयोग ना करें।
ये आजकल हिन्दू नाम से होटल, ढाबे, नाश्ता ठेला आदि भगवान के नाम पर चला रहे हैं
You must not be knowing that currently Haldiram's is under Muslims.
The owner, Naresh Khandelwal, sold this company to Muslims
Haldiram was their grandfather, who used to make savoury snacks sold well. His son Ghasi Lal set up a factory and this (food) reached everyone. His sons, Yogesh and Naresh, sold this to a Muslim.
Haldiram has become a brand. But it has nothing to do with purity and should not be consumed. These days, it is selling to hotels, dhabas, breakfasts etc. under a Hindu name.
It can also bee seen on social media.
1. How did Haldiram's grow?
Haldiram's grew from a shop in Bikaner, founder by Ganga Bhishen Agarwal, the original 'Haldiram'. He went to Kolkata for a wedding and got the idea to expand in the city.
After Halidram, the second generation did not expand much, according to a book called 'Bhujia Barons' by Pavitra Kumar, that documents the Agarwals and the rise of Haldiram's. This is contrary to the claim, which say that his "son", Ghasi Lal, expanded the business greatly.
The expansion of the business came by Haldiram's grandsons into geographies like Nagpur and Delhi, along with Kolkata.
2. What is the status of Haldiram's today?
There are three companies and three distinct areas of operations today led by Haldiram's grandsons.
A story written on Forbes by Pavitra Kumar based on her book says that Shiv Kishen Agarwal, a grandson of Haldiram's, expanded into Nagpur (officially Haldiram's Sweet (India) Private Limited), while Manohar Lal and Madhusudhan Agarwal expanded into Delhi (called Haldirams Products Private Limited). The Kolkata offshoot sells snacks under the 'Prabhuji's' brand (called Haldiram's Bhujiawalla Private Limited).
The Delhi-based wing has emerged as the largest, according to Kumar.
Kumar has also provided a family tree in the Forbes story. Neither does it show a Ghasi Lal as the son of Haldiram or a Yogesh or Naresh as his alleged grandson.
The division of Haldiram's and the family tree. Courtesy: Forbes
The Forbes story by Kumar can be read here.
3. Government data
Government data, available through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, too does not support the claim of Muslims being associated with it.
The Kolkata based wing shows six directors, all of which are not Muslims. It can be downloaded here.
The Delhi based Haldiram's shows four directors, with Madhusudhan Agarwal and Manoharlal Agarwal are also on the list. This can be seen here.
For the Nagpur based company too there are no directors who are Muslim. This can be seen here.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs website can be found here. Users will have to type in the company name, use the keyword "Haldiram" for a list of companies, and select one to view the information.
However, this is not the first time that fake news around Haldiram's has gone viral after the Arabic-text incident. BOOM has earlier debunked a post that said that the company is adding meat to its mixtures.
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