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Claim: The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) makes it appear like human rights violations can only be committed by state agents and state workers like the police and military.
Why we fact-checked this: A video circulating on Facebook shows SAGIP Representative Rodante Marcoleta addressing Senator Risa Hontiveros’ concern regarding the country’s human rights situation. The post containing this video has garnered over 536,600 views, 2,000 comments, and 17,000 reactions.
The bottom line: The CHR is concerned with human rights violations committed both by state and non-state agents. It does not claim that human rights abuses can only be committed by the state.
In 2020, the CHR issued a public statement clarifying its mandate: “[There] are cases when CHR investigates violations committed by private individuals, particularly if the victims are part of those who we regard as vulnerable sectors, such as women, children, and the elderly. In this sense, we continue to regard our work in aid of the government’s mandate to protect the vulnerable, disadvantaged, and marginalised, as well as in calling out non-State actors for the violations they too may have committed.”
Broad scope: Their website and Facebook page show various statements, reports, and resources that cover a wide range of topics related to human rights.
The commission has denounced human rights violations committed by non-state agents like the NPA, the Abu Sayyaf, and the Maute group. The commission also investigates gender-based violence and climate change issues.
Even the April 2022 Report on Investigated Killings in Relation to the Anti-illegal Drug Campaign takes into account casualties committed by private individuals. The seemingly selective focus of the commission on human rights violations done by the state is due to its assertion that protecting the human rights of all is “the primary obligation of the government.” – Pola Regalario/
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