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Claim: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., during his official visit to Japan, confirmed the existence of an alleged Marcos account in Fuji Bank.
The text on the thumbnail of a YouTube video says: “GRABE MARCOS ACCOUNT SA JAPAN CONFIRMED!” (Marcos account in Japan, confirmed!) The claim is being connected with the alleged Marcos account in Fuji Bank.
The video also shows the speech of Marcos during a dinner hosted by Japanese financial institutions, wherein he mentioned the Mizuho Financial Group, an incorporation of three banking institutions in Japan. Fuji Bank is one of its affiliates since its creation in 2000.
Rating: FALSE
Why did we fact-checked this: The video containing the claim has 68,981 views as of writing.
The facts: Marcos did not confirm the existence of the alleged Marcos account in his speech during the dinner hosted by the Japanese financial institutions last February 2.
The President, in his speech, just acknowledged the financial institutions present. The said financial group was mentioned only once, when they were acknowledged.
In the speech: The President identified the sectors that would benefit from future projects that Japanese investments would fund. The sectors mentioned were: manufacturing, green metals production, food and health, Japanese enterprises in the Philippines, and digital transformation and innovation. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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