| - What was claimed
A photo shows a diesel generator and says there are patio heaters going at full blast in the bar area, at an Extinction Rebellion protest.
Our verdict
Incorrect. This photo was taken at an American music festival.
A photo shows a diesel generator and says there are patio heaters going at full blast in the bar area, at an Extinction Rebellion protest.
Incorrect. This photo was taken at an American music festival.
A photo of a diesel generator that people have claimed is from an Extinction Rebellion “campsite in Hyde Park” has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and thousands of times on Twitter. The posts also claim there are “patio heaters going full blast in the bar area”.
However, the photo is not from any event linked with Extinction Rebellion, or Hyde Park. It is from an editorial promoting generators for the Caterpillar Inc. company. The photo was taken at the 2011 Summer Camp music festival, in Chillicothe, Illinois.
Some of the Extinction Rebellion protests do use diesel generators and have posted on social media about this.
This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false as the photo is not from an Extinction Rebellion protest.
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