| - Fact Check: Peepal Leaves May Have Medicinal Properties But Can’t Be A Substitute of Medical Oxygen For COVID-19 Patients; Fake Post Going Viral
Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake and isn’t backed by any scientific evidence. Peepal leaves may have medicinal properties but its smell cannot replace medical oxygen for COVID-19 patients.
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: May 7, 2021 at 06:33 PM
- Updated: May 10, 2021 at 01:11 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A post doing rounds on social media claims that putting few leaves of peepal (Holy fig) in a glass jar and inhaling its smell will increase oxygen by 4-5 points. It further claims that placing a camphor tablet inside the jar yields even better results. Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake and isn’t backed by any scientific evidence.
Vishvas News received a message on its Whatsapp Chatbot to fact check. The message reads: “If the oxygen level is going down and there is no oxygen supply from anywhere, put 4-5 fresh leaves of peepal in a glass jar and close the lid for five to seven minutes. Open the lid and keep smelling it through the nose and mouth. Oxygen level will increase by 4-5 points immediately. You can do this method again and again. Placing a camphor tablet inside the jar has yielded even better results. Please use it yourself and tell others as well. Free and virtuous work.”
Vishvas News started its investigation by searching the properties of the Peepal tree and its leaves. Ficus religiosa (L.), commonly known as peepal belonging to the family Moraceae, is used traditionally as antiulcer, antibacterial, antidiabetic, in the treatment of gonorrhea and skin diseases.
But, there is no scientific evidence claiming oxygen from peepal leaves can be a substitute for medical oxygen.
According to Dr. Vimal N, Pharmacovigilance officer and Ayurveda Expert, the claim in the viral is false. He said: “Normal Steam inhalation can clear the airway obstruction or soothe the throat. But inhaling smell from peepal leaves or camphor won’t help or replace medical oxygen.”
Vishvas News spoke to an official from the Registrar office, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. He said that, though plants play a crucial role in keeping the environment clean, they definitely cannot replace the medical oxygen needed by the Covid-19 patients with breathing difficulties. Same goes for the Peepal tree. This claim stating that smelling peepal leaves or camphor will increase medical oxygen is not true.
When we researched about camphor, we found a report on the website of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to CDC, exposure to 2-Camphonone, Gum camphor, Laurel camphor, Synthetic camphor can cause irritation eyes, skin, mucous membrane; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache, dizziness, excitement, epileptiform convulsions.
Conclusion: Vishvas News investigated and found the viral claim to be fake and isn’t backed by any scientific evidence. Peepal leaves may have medicinal properties but its smell cannot replace medical oxygen for COVID-19 patients.
- Claim Review : If the oxygen level is going down and there is no oxygen supply from anywhere, put 4-5 fresh leaves of peepal in a glass jar and close the lid for five to seven minutes. Open the lid and keep smelling it through the nose and mouth. Oxygen level will increase by 4-5 points immediately. You can do this method again and again. Placing a camphor tablet inside the jar has yielded even better results. Please use it yourself and tell others as well. Free and virtuous work
- Claimed By : Whatsapp user
- Fact Check : False
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