| - PETER Obi, Labour Party’s presidential candidate in Nigeria’s 2023 general election, has claimed that a Professor in the country receives N400,000 as monthly salary, adding that local government councillors earn more.
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Obi made the claims at the University of Abuja students town hall meeting held on Thursday, 26th of January, 2023 in Abuja.
“…We have a country where professors are paid N400,000, where councillors earn more than professors…”
The claims have been circulating on various social media platforms since then.
Professors in Nigeria are paid N400,000 as monthly salary.
Findings by The FactCheckHub show that the claim is MOSTLY TRUE.
A Professor in Nigeria, according to the Nigerian salary survey, earns between N4,580,349 to N6,020,163 per annum, Legit reported in 2018. When divided per month, the lowest monthly salary of a Nigerian university professor is between N382,000 and N502,000 before tax deductions including PAYE.
A December 8, 2009 circular on the Consolidated University Academic Salary Structure II (CONUASS II) issued by the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, a government agency under the direct supervision of the Nigerian Presidency, announced a presidential approval for the new salary structure for Nigerian university workers.
The circular stated that a professor in the country will receive between N4,580,349 to N6,020,163 per annum, depending on their grade levels and steps.
But an article on the structure of lecturers’ salaries published by Premium Times, stated that the salaries of Nigerian lecturers range from about N99,768 to N342,442 after tax deductions.
According to the report, the monthly gross for the lowest professor on CONUASS II Grade 07, Step 1 is N422,768 without tax deductions. After tax deductions, a professor on that Grade level get N342,442 as monthly salary.
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The tax deductions is often 19 per cent of their gross monthly remuneration which consists of PAYE (7%), Pension (7.5%), National Housing Fund (2.5%) and Dues (2%).
The report noted that their salaries vary depending on their location which is one of the many factors that determine the amount; it also applies to both state and federal government institutions.
Similarly, a fact-check by Daily Trust also corroborated the above figures.
Generally, the salary of Nigerian professors are mostly succinct with what institutions charge their students as school fees, especially for the private universities. Salary levels can vary considerably depending on a variety of factors.
The claim by Obi that a professor in Nigeria earns N400,000 as monthly salary is MOSTLY TRUE; findings revealed that some professors get much more than that while others get a little less.
Local government councillors earn more than professors in Nigeria.
Findings by The FactCheckHub show that the claim is FALSE.
The data of the remuneration package for political, public and judicial officers issued by the Revenue mobilisation allocation & fiscal commission which was amended in 2007 show that Councillor of Local Government Council receives N3,094,200 per annum, including regular allowances. When break down into monthly value, each councillor receives N247,024:70 as monthly salary. This excludes duty tour, estacode, leave and security allowances as well as annual furniture allowance.
A fact-check published on December 2021 by Daily Trust show that the lowest professor on CONUASS II Grade 07, Step 1 receives N422,768 as monthly gross without tax deductions. After tax deductions, a professor on that Grade level get N342,442 as monthly salary.
Thus, a councillor earns less than a professor in Nigeria.
Therefore, Obi’s claim that Councillors earn more than professors in Nigeria is FALSE.
Seasoned fact-checker and researcher Fatimah Quadri has written numerous fact-checks, explainers, and media literacy pieces for The FactCheckHub in an effort to combat information disorder. She can be reached at sunmibola_q on X or [email protected].