| - Fact Check: Post claiming cupping can remove COVID-19 Vaccine content from the body is fake
The post claiming cupping can remove vaccine content from the body after it is being administered is fake
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: Nov 9, 2021 at 04:09 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A video going viral on Instagram claims that cupping therapy can remove vaccine content from the body after it is being administered. In the video, a man can be seen making small cuts on the arms of an alleged vaccine recipient. It further shows that a suction cup is used to remove the blood. Vishvas News investigated the post and found it to be fake.
A video shared on Instagram by a user named michaeld1105 shows a man making small cuts on the arms of an alleged vaccine recipient. The text in the video reads: “Cupping the vax after 30 mins of injection. Video showing the removal of the vax content within 30 minutes of the jab.” The caption with the post reads: “ Blood clot… This is happening to the Vaccinated! # cdc # naturalimmunity🖕 # covidvacccine # jab # covid”.
The post can be checked here.
Vishvas News started its investigation by searching regarding cupping therapy.
What is cupping?
According to WebMD, “Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.”
We further searched and found a report by Cleveland Clinic. As per the report, “People have used cupping for thousands of years to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other problems. Cupping therapy involves creating a suction force to pull blood into the skin. Cupping causes bruising and can lead to a skin infection. While research on the benefits of cupping is scarce, the treatment risks are low.”
As per a research, “Cupping can help to eliminate toxins trapped in the tissues.”
We now searched about the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. As per ABC News, “like most adult jabs, this slew of vaccines — including those developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca and Pfizer and BioNTech — are injected into the deltoid: the thick, fleshy muscle of your upper arm.” Also, unlike the layer of fat just under our skin, muscle has an excellent blood supply to help disperse the vaccine.
Vishvas News spoke to Dr. Izharul Hasan, Unani Preventive Medicine and Cupping specialist. He said that “the cupping process breaks open tiny blood vessels under the skin and is used in detoxification. It does not drain out any specific content from the blood in a controlled manner. Viral post claiming that cupping can remove vaccine content from the body is totally fake.”
Also, we found no research or evidence supporting the viral claim that cupping can remove vaccine content from the body.
The post is shared on Instagram by a user named michaeld1105. We scanned the profile of the user and found that the user has 869 followers.
Conclusion: The post claiming cupping can remove vaccine content from the body after it is being administered is fake
- Claim Review : Cupping the vax after 30 mins of injection. Video showing the removal of the vax content within 30 minutes of the jab.
- Claimed By : Instagram user: michaeld1105
- Fact Check : False
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