| - FACT CHECK: Does This Photo Show Soldiers ‘Crying And Visibly Shaken’ Over Trump’s Syrian Withdrawal?
An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows three American soldiers crying over President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeastern Syria.
“The results of Trump’s betrayal,” reads the caption.
Verdict: False
The picture has been miscaptioned. It actually shows American soldiers in Kuwait in December 2011.
Fact Check:
The Facebook post, which has been circulating since Oct. 17, claims to show three U.S. soldiers in Syria “crying and visibly shaken” in reaction to Trump’s announcement.
“U.S. soldiers on the ground in Syria seen crying and visibly shaken saying they could stop this in 10 minutes but Trump won’t let them!” reads the caption.
Trump announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeastern Syria in early October, ahead of a Turkish military incursion into the area. The withdrawal, some have noted, largely abandoned the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces who were allied with the U.S. in combating the Islamic State.
Through a reverse image search, the Daily Caller found that the photograph does not, in fact, show soldiers in Syria reacting to the withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeastern Syria. The image, taken by Lucas Jackson for Reuters, actually shows troops at Camp Virginia, Kuwait, in 2011, according to the caption.
“Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division rest while waiting to pack their weapons for shipment back to the United States at Camp Virginia, Kuwait December 19, 2011,” reads the photo caption. “The 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division was the last U.S. Military unit to depart Iraq and is processing to return to Fort Hood, Texas.”