| - Fact Check: Video showing remedy for turning white hair to black permanently in half an hour is fake
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: May 1, 2019 at 11:43 AM
- Updated: May 7, 2019 at 12:48 PM
New Delhi (Team Vishvas). A video is doing rounds on Facebook with a caption claiming that white hair can be turned to black permanently in half an hour. The video showed the preparation of a mixture containing 2 spoons of amla oil and some coffee powder and how can it be applied to convert white hair to black permanently.
The viral video claimed that a mixture of two spoons of amla oil and a small amount of coffee powder when applied to hair can convert white hair to black permanently. The video was supported with a caption that claimed that white hair can be permanently turned black from roots by following this remedy.
Fact Check:
A fact check revealed that the claim is false and white hair cannot be turned to black permanently in half an hour.
We contacted some doctors and asked whether they can validate the claim mentioned in the video and their responses were as follows:
Dr Paul’s, Hair Transplant and Hair Loss Treatment Center, New Delhi:“There are certain techniques that can turn the white hair to black but this claim of coffee powder and amla turning white hair to black permanently in half an hour is false.”
Dr Lipy Gupta, Dermatologist, New Delhi:“This is a false claim. This treatment of turning white hair to black permanently in half an hour is not true.”
The post has around 3.7K reactions, 2,326 shares and 92 comments.
There were comments from various users that stated that this is a fake video.
The post was shared from the page named ‘Rajiv Dixit – राजीव दीक्षित’.
962,906 people have liked the page and 999,571 people are following it.
We used StalkScan and checked the videos and photos shared by the page. We observed that many posts from the page were misleading.
Conclusion: No, the mixture of 2 spoons amla oil and coffee cannot turn white hair to black permanently in half an hour.
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- Claim Review : Video shows remedy for turning white hair to black permanently in half an hour
- Claimed By : FB page Rajiv Dixit - राजीव दीक्षित
- Fact Check : False