| - In 2024, social media users shared a quote about luxury on platforms including X (archived), Facebook (archived), and Instagram (archived), attributing it to the actor and director Clint Eastwood. One Facebook post (archived) featuring a version of the quote had received around 10,000 likes and 2,400 shares at the time of this writing.
(Facebook user Palihasiri Suduhewa)
The quote read in full:
Do not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, do not look for luxury in forks or sails.
Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses.
Don't look for luxury in shops, don't look for it in gifts, don't look for it at parties, don't look for it at events. Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grandchildren, luxury is what money can't buy.
Some social media users expressed doubt about the attribution of the quote. For example, one Facebook user commented (archived): "Actually, doesn't sound like him." Similarly, an X user wrote (archived): "I'm not sure I believe Clint ever said this but I reposted anyway!"
These commenters were right to be skeptical. On July 2, 2024, Eastwood's official X account, @EastwoodMalpaso, posted an article (archived) addressing claims that Eastwood ever said the quote. The article contained a screenshot of the quote in question here, along with text reading:
False messages and speeches has [sic] been circulating lately on Social Media , incorrectly linking Clint to a speech about Luxuries and aging. To set the record straight on these, Clint has no involvement in writing or sharing these speeches … Clint would not go online to write speeches on luxuries or aging. It's not something he typically talks about and would certainly not write about it online.
The actual source of the quote was not immediately clear. The article from Eastwood's account identified the "original author" as "MiguelFierro, who posted it on his TikTok account" — presumably a reference to the Ecuadorian mixed martial arts fighter Miguel Fierro, who included (archived) a Spanish-language version of the quote in the caption of a TikTok post on May 14, 2024.
The Spanish-language version read in full:
No busques el lujo en relojes ni en pulseras, no lo busques en mansiones ni en veleros, *lujo son risas y amigos, lujo es no estar enfermo, lujo es la lluvia en la cara, lujo son abrazos y besos*
No busques el lujo en tiendas, ni en regalos, no lo busques en fiestas, ni en eventos,
*lujo es que la gente te quiera, lujo es que te tengan respeto, lujo es que vivan tus padres, lujo es poder jugar con los nietos, lujo son esas pequeñas cosas, que no se pueden comprar con dinero, lujo es tener tiempo para entrenar .*
While Fierro did not attribute the quote to anyone in that post, we found a number (archived) of earlier (archived) social media posts (archived) around the internet that explicitly attributed the Spanish version of the quote to Eastwood — suggesting the quote did not in fact originate from Fierro.
Ultimately, because the article posted by Eastwood's official X account clearly stated that Eastwood never said the words about luxury that some social media users attributed to him, we've rated the quote as misattributed.
We've previously investigated other claims about Eastwood, including a rumor that he once said: "If a man called a duck a goose, women used to smile, nod, and pretend it was a goose. Now they'll just tell you it's a duck. So don't tell me the patriarchy still exists."