| - Quick Fact Check: Fake post claiming cheap and harmful tablets contain tissue paper resurfaces
The tablets shown in the video are not for the consumption as a medicine but it is actually the tissue paper packed in the form of tablets. The viral claim is false.
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: May 22, 2020 at 05:07 PM
- Updated: Aug 29, 2020 at 12:36 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News) A video has resurfaced on social media claiming that low-quality tablets are opening up into a tissue paper and are available in the market. Vishvas News investigated and found that the tablets are not for the consumption as a medicine but it is actually the tissue paper packed in the form of tablets. The viral claim is false.
The post shared on Facebook claims: “Alert: This before you eat any tablet as it can take your life. This video has shocked the entire world. Do not forget to forward after seeing the video.” The man in the video states that medicine’s composition is not written on the cover of the medicine. Neither there is the manufacturing date of the medicine nor there is an expiry date. Only the name of the medicine, Zota is mentioned. The archived version of the post can be checked here.
Vishvas News used Invid tool to investigate the video. Using Invid magnifier, we found the name ‘Zota’ written on the cover of the tablet strip.
We spoke to Himanshu Zota, Director, Zota Healthcare. He stated: “In the viral video, it is pure tissue paper. It is not medicine. We had procured that tablet tissue for gifting purpose to doctors. We had already mentioned the instruction on that pack but unfortunately, someone had misused & destroyed our image. These were compressed wipes and not tablets, and they had distributed these to doctors are part of a promotional plan.
Tissue tablets are actually quite popular and easy to buy online. These tissues are also given in several restaurants to customers. Simply pouring some water on them does the magic. The tablet unravels into a tissue.“
The complete fact check of the post can be read here.
The post is shared on Facebook by a user named Umesh Singh. We scanned the profile of the user and found that the user is based out of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Conclusion: The tablets shown in the video are not for the consumption as a medicine but it is actually the tissue paper packed in the form of tablets. The viral claim is false.
- Claim Review : Cheap and harmful tablets contain tissue paper
- Claimed By : FB user: Umesh Singh
- Fact Check : False
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