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At a glance
- Claim: Former Comelec chair Christian Monsod, who was one of the framers of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, apologizes for the “terrible logical lapses” in drafting the Constitution.
- Rating: FALSE
- The facts: Monsod did not say this. The original image published contained an entirely different quote from Monsod, criticizing President Rodrigo Duterte’s expressed intention to run for vice president in the 2022 Philippine elections.
- Why we fact-checked this: As of writing, the post has gained a combined engagement of over 1,000 reactions, more than 200 comments, and 554 shares on Facebook. Some netizens believe the claim and applaud the remark.
Complete details
A quote card posted on Facebook on June 24 claims that former Commission on Elections (Comelec) chair Christian Monsod apologized to Filipinos for his failure in drafting the 1987 Constitution. The post was shared by Facebook page “Reforma Constitucional Filipinas” and the page “DDS New York,” which supports President Rodrigo Duterte.
It also claims that Monsod, who was one of the framers of the 1987 Constitution, blamed former President Corazon Aquino for such lapses.
The full quote falsely attributed to Monsod says: “I apologize to the entire Filipino Nation for the terrible suffering caused as a result of the failure of my colleagues and myself in drafting the 1987 Constitution. It was our fault that the 1987 Constitution is full of terrible lapses in logic. This happened because President Cory Aquino gave us only four months to rush draft this Constitution, and we did not have enough time to test the logic of the draft.”
The quote card includes the logo of “Now You Know,” a civic media platform.
As of writing, the post has gained a combined engagement of over 1,000 reactions, more than 200 comments, and 554 shares on Facebook. Some netizens believe the claim, applaud the remark, and urge the revision of the Constitution.
This claim is false.
Monsod did not say this, and Now You Know did not post this quote card.
On July 7, Now You Know posted on Facebook, saying they never published the graphic bearing the fake quote.
Moreover, Rappler did not find any reports, videos, or transcripts that proved Monsod said this quote.
This original quote from Monsod can be attributed to his interview on ANC’s Rundown newscast on June 24.
The original image published by Now You Know contained an entirely different quote from Monsod, which criticized Duterte’s possible vice presidential run in the 2022 elections to be against the intent of the 1987 Constitution. (READ: ‘VP Duterte’ push an insidious move to circumvent Constitution – Monsod)
The 1987 Constitution was drafted in 1986 by a 48-member Constitutional Commission (ConCom), including Monsod. ConCom started their work on June 2, 1986, and the draft constitution was passed on October 12, 1986. – Jene-Anne Pangue/
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