| - Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
According to a website, boiling milk with five cloves of garlic and consuming it is purported to have the ability to cure asthma. We fact checked and found the claim to be False.
The Claim
A website by the name asthma bhawan posted a blog with a title “Home Remedies That Can Help Asthma Patients” in that blog it is mentioned that boiling milk with 5 cloves of garlic can cure asthma.
Fact Check
What is asthma?
Asthma affects the respiratory system, leading to narrowing and inflammation of the airways due to an accumulation of mucus. This constriction and swelling result in difficulty breathing, often accompanied by wheezing. People with asthma may also have persistent coughing and struggle to catch their breath.
What causes asthma?
Asthma is usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Common triggers include allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mould. Respiratory infections, such as colds or flu, can also provoke asthma symptoms. Irritants like smoke, air pollution, strong odours, and chemical fumes may trigger asthma attacks. Additionally, physical exertion, cold air, and changes in weather can contribute to asthma symptoms. Some individuals may have asthma triggered by certain medications or emotional stress. Overall, asthma is a complex condition influenced by various factors that affect the airways and their responsiveness.
Can asthma be cured?
Although there is no cure for asthma, it can be managed well. Usually, proper medication, lifestyle modifications, and avoiding triggers can help manage the symptoms. People with well-controlled asthma can live active lives with few symptoms. To avoid flare-ups, it’s crucial to keep an eye on and manage asthma regularly.
Dr. Muhammed Anas, a lung specialist at NMC HealthCare, says asthma can’t be completely cured. It’s a long-term condition needing medication and healthy habits to manage. Even when asthma is controlled, people might need meds again if they encounter triggers like allergens or pollution. While you can sometimes stop taking medicine when asthma is managed well, staying healthy is still really important for keeping it under control in the long run.
Does drinking milk and garlic cure asthma?
No. There is no scientific evidence supporting the idea that drinking milk and garlic can cure asthma.But in 2023 a research found that dairy consumption wasnt linked to asthma treatment. While dairy intake didn’t show a consistent connection to cure asthma, garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties might offer some symptom management potential, but still garlic isn’t a cure for asthma . Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterised by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, typically requiring medical management. While there are no best home remedies for asthma but for some individuals, such as staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet, there’s no definitive cure outside of prescribed medications and lifestyle adjustments.
Chaitali Bharatiya, M.Sc. in Specialized Dietetics focusing on Diabetes and Cardiac Nutrition, noted a recent trend of people opting for dairy-free diets due to concerns that dairy might exacerbate asthma symptoms or even induce asthma. While certain studies propose that dairy could heighten mucus production and provoke breathing issues in asthma patients, not everyone with asthma responds adversely to dairy consumption. The scientific consensus regarding the relationship between dairy and asthma is inconclusive, as some studies suggest a possible correlation while others find no association at all.
Dr. Anas explained that relying solely on diet to cure asthma is unlikely. He stressed the need to identify and avoid food triggers since some foods can cause allergic reactions. He warned against thinking that changing what you eat can cure asthma, as this could delay getting the right treatment. Dr. Anas also mentioned that in India, asthma is treated according to global guidelines known as GINA.
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