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Claim: Media has not reported on the planned MRT line which will connect Metro Manila to Bulacan, or the MRT-7.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The claim can be found in a video posted on October 12 in the Facebook page “Project Pal.” The caption “PROYEKTONG HINDI MAN LANG BINABALITA” (PROJECT THAT IS NOT REPORTED) can be seen in the entirety of the video, which covers an overview of the MRT project that will connect Metro Manila to Bulacan. Although the name of the project isn’t mentioned, it is clear that the video is referring to MRT-7. As of writing, the post already has about 41,000 reactions, 2,500 comments, and 8,700 shares, and the accompanying video has about 1.1 million views.
The bottom line: There were already news reports about the MRT-7 at various stages of its development before the video was post on Facebook on October 12, 2022. Examples are the following articles: on September 27, 2021; Manila Bulletin on December 15, 2021; on December 18, 2021; GMA News Online on May 23, 2022; on June 2, 2022; on August 3, 2022; on August 4, 2022; GMA News Online on August 25, 2022; Manila Standard on August 29, 2022; Manila Bulletin on August 30, 2022; BusinessWorld on October 4, 2022.
Rappler also has several news articles about the MRT-7 project.
Overview: The MRT-7 is a public-private partnership (PPP) project implemented by the Department of Transportation (DOTr). Fourteen stations are planned, from San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, to the MRT-3 North Avenue Station in Quezon City. The project was approved in 2008 and began construction on April 20, 2016.
Status of the project: It was mentioned in the August 2022 news reports cited above that, according to DOTr Undersecretary Timothy Batan, as of August 3, 2022, the MRT-7 project was around 60% completed, and a demonstration run is targeted for 2023 and full operations by 2024 or 2025. – Percival Bueser/
Percival Bueser is a graduate of Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here.
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