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Claim: Malacañang approved the recommendation of the Department of Health (DOH) to close Boracay and other “well-known” destinations around Luzon and Visayas due to the “extreme warm weather” or heat wave expected to hit the said areas.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The claim, which bears the logos of DOH and the Office of the President, is being reposted by multiple accounts on Facebook.
The facts: There is no such approved recommendation, as the DOH itself debunked the false claim in a public notice. On April 3, the DOH warned the public about the circulating post, and clarified that they did not make such a recommendation to the Office of the President.
The department reminded the public to stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothes, and avoid staying under direct heat and sunlight, especially at noon and during afternoon hours. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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