| - What was claimed
Argos and Amazon are selling the latest phones for £3 each.
Our verdict
The retailers have confirmed the deals are not genuine.
Argos and Amazon are selling the latest phones for £3 each.
The retailers have confirmed the deals are not genuine.
Facebook posts claiming Amazon and Argos are selling Samsung S23s and iPhone14s for £3 are fake.
Both retailers have confirmed these are not genuine deals.
Several posts have been shared by the same page, claiming that Argos is selling Samsung S23s for only £3 in order to clear up space in their warehouses. One of the posts says that Argos is doing the giveaway but the accompanying video shows Amazon labels.
The page does not appear to be affiliated to either company. A spokesperson for Argos said: “This is not a genuine post. I would advise not to engage with this”.
Another post on the page says last year’s Samsung S22 model will be sold for $9.96. However, it contains a link to the official Amazon website where the phone is on sale for £594.
Another post on a different page claims that Amazon is selling iPhone 14s for £3 each.
A spokesperson for Amazon told Full Fact: “These posts are not related to Amazon”.
Three of the posts feature videos showing the products, many of which have been watched thousands of times. The videos all use an automated voice to recite the same script over footage of the products being unpacked.
They begin with “Congratulations” and continue to say: “You need to fill the form [sic] and we will deliver your package right to your door. Don’t miss this opportunity. Hurry up.” The follow-through link, which has disappeared from the posts at the time of publishing, led users to a non-secure website.
We have fact checked many recent fake promotions, including M&S golden tickets, Adidas shoes and pallets of Amazon parcels.
Image courtesy of Viettel Store
This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false because Amazon and Argos confirm the deal is not genuine.
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