FACT CHECK: No, Kamala Harris Did Not Tweet Asking Her Followers To Report A Specific Instagram Account
A viral Instagram post purportedly shows a tweet by Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris calling for people to report a specific Instagram account.
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If you want the truth about abortion follow @official_fight_for_life!
Verdict: False
The tweet appears to have been fabricated. There is no record of Harris tweeting such a message.
Fact Check:
The abortion rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America gives Harris, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, a 100 percent rating. Harris has co-sponsored abortion rights bills such as the Women’s Health Protection Act and the EACH Woman Act and, in 2019, voted against consideration of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, according to the Washington Post.
An image circulating on Instagram shows a screen grab of a tweet from Harris that asks her followers to report an Instagram account that appears to share anti-abortion messages. “Everyone go and report @official_fight_for_life on Instagram!” reads the alleged tweet. “He’s fighting against the women’s right to abortion! We must keep abortion legal up to birth! Do not follow him!” (RELATED: Did Elizabeth Warren Say, ‘Having An Abortion Is No Different Than Someone Having Their Tonsils Removed’?)
There is, however, no record of Harris tweeting about the Instagram account from either of her Twitter accounts – @KamalaHarris and @SenKamalaHarris. It doesn’t appear in ProPublica’s archive of her deleted tweets on Aug. 28 or any other date. Check Your Fact also didn’t find any similar comment mentioning the Instagram account on her Senate website or on her other social media accounts.
This isn’t the first time social media users have shared a fake tweet from Harris. In late August, Check Your Fact debunked a Facebook post claiming Harris sent a tweet “setting the record straight” about her name.