| - FACT CHECK: Does This Photo Show An Anti-Communist Protest In Cuba?
An image shared on Facebook over 1,000 times allegedly shows a massive anti-government protest in Cuba this month.
Verdict: False
The photo actually shows a 2013 May Day parade that is unrelated to recent Cuban anti-government protests.
Fact Check:
Demonstrations against Cuba’s Communist-run government started in the country July 11, with thousands of Cubans decrying price increases, the government’s COVID-19 response and food and medicine shortages, BBC News reported. Many protesters have called for Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel’s resignation, according to CNN.
The picture in the July 13 Facebook post shows a huge crowd stretching down Avenida Paseo in the Cuban capital city of Havana. The caption reads, “C U B A P R O T E S T I N G C O M M U N I S M.” (RELATED: Does This Photo Show Jill Biden Posing With Fidel Castro?)
In reality, the pictured event took place over eight years ago and wasn’t held in protest against Cuba’s Communist-run government. The picture was taken in 2013 by a photographer for the Cuban government-controlled outlet CubaDebate, which reported that it shows a May Day parade on May 1 of that year. Other photos of the same parade can be found on Getty Images.
Cuba’s then-President Raul Castro attended the 2013 May Day march in Havana, with participants holding pictures of him, former President Fidel Castro, and socialist former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Reuters reported. May Day is also known as International Workers’ Day and has long been celebrated by communists, socialists and labor movements, according to NBC Chicago.
Amid the widespread protests this week, the Cuban government shut off access to social media and messaging apps in the country on July 12, with service interruptions occurring into July 14, the Miami Herald reported.