| - FACT CHECK: Viral Image Claims To Show Singapore Hospital Bill Sent To COVID-19 Patient
An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a 180,000 Singapore dollar invoice incurred by a COVID-19 patient for an 18-day stay at Singapore General Hospital.
Verdict: False
The hospital refuted the claim. The photo of the bill appears on a fundraising page to cover the hospital bills for someone diagnosed with tuberculosis and severe aplastic anemia.
Fact Check:
The Facebook post features a photo of a Singapore General Hospital medical bill sent to a patient on Feb. 27. Though a notice on the document states that it is not the final bill, the listed charges add up to over 180,000 Singapore dollars, equal to roughly $128,000.
“SGH Hospital Bill For COVID-19 Patient 18 Days Stay. Total bil (sic) amount SD180,143.00. No joke,” the caption reads. “Pls Stay at Home & Stay Safe.” (RELATED: Does This Video Show Defective Medical Gowns Made In China?)
The bill, however, does not belong to a COVID-19 patient. Singapore General Hospital refuted the claim in a Facebook post in April.
“It has been brought to our attention that a hospital bill (case number: xxxxxxx469H) dated 27 Feb 2020 belonging to one of our patients has resurfaced and is circulating on social media and text message platforms,” Singapore General Hospital wrote. “There was claim that the patient was diagnosed with COVID-19. This is not true.”
Through a reverse image search, the Daily Caller found the photo of the hospital bill in a GIVE.Asia fundraising campaign set up by a man identified as Gan Chang. That fundraiser was for his wife, who was hospitalized for severe aplastic anemia, tuberculosis and pneumonia, according to the GIVE.Asia fundraiser page. His wife’s name matches that on the invoice in the Facebook post.
The Singaporean government pays the hospital bills incurred by Singapore residents and “long term pass holders” admitted to public hospitals for COVID-19, except in cases where the individuals disregarded travel advisories, according to the Singapore Ministry of Health website.