| - Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
An article claims that the German government admitted there was no COVID pandemic. After a fact-check, we can conclude that this assertion is false. There was a pandemic, and the world tragically endured its consequences.
The Claim
According to an article published in The People’s Voice, “German Gov’t Admits There Was No Pandemic.” A video on the said article claims that a 2000 pages report shows that the pandemic was all fraud. It also goes on to claim that ‘High health risk” was not derived from data, but a political decision. And, ‘Herd immunity’ was seen as a mere narrative.
The article also claims, citing information from the German government, that there was no pandemic at all. Instead, it suggests that what happened was a carefully planned psychological operation by the military to convince people to accept an experimental vaccine, which led to disastrous consequences.
Fact Check
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous conspiracy theories have emerged regarding the origin and nature of the viral disease. From allegations of it being a bioweapon to claims that it’s a hoax designed to control public dissent, we’ve encountered numerous speculations.
What is a pandemic?
A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. It involves the spread of a contagious illness that causes significant morbidity (being unhealthy due to a disease/condition) and mortality (deaths due to a disease/condition). Pandemics can have intense societal, economic, and public health implications, requiring coordinated efforts to minimise their impact and control the spread of the disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has severely impacted global health, economies, and daily life. Beginning in late 2019, the virus rapidly spread across continents, leading to widespread illness, mortality, and societal disruption. Efforts to control the virus transmission included lockdowns, social distancing measures, widespread testing, digital awareness campaigns and the development of vaccines.
When is a pandemic declared?
A pandemic is declared by the WHO when a new infectious disease spreads globally, affecting a significant number of people across multiple countries or continents. This declaration is made based on specific criteria, including the geographic spread of the disease, its severity, and its impact on society. The WHO assesses data and evidence from various sources to determine whether the situation meets the criteria for a pandemic. Once these conditions are met, the WHO officially declares a pandemic to alert governments, healthcare organisations, and the public about the severity of the situation and to coordinate international response efforts.
Has the German government really admitted there was no pandemic?
No, there is no such claim from the German government. There was a pandemic and the world suffered due to it in intense ways. A total of 704,753,890 confirmed cases of the COVID-19, originating from Wuhan, China, have been reported across 229 countries and territories worldwide. The death toll amounts to 7,010,681 fatalities (as of April 13, 2024). During our fact check we got our hands on a detailed report from the United Nations Organisation which lists down the humongous impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the world.
The article bases its claims on the report of Robert Koch Institute (RKI). However, on March 25, 2024, RKI made an official statement, “The crisis team minutes are summaries of discussions that took place within the RKI’s COVID-19 crisis team. These discussions reflect open scientific discourse in which different perspectives are addressed and weighed. Therefore, the protocols must always be seen and interpreted in their context.” Read the full statement for complete details.
For a thorough understanding RKI has a dedicated COVID-19 page which answers all the FAQs related to COVID-19 pandemic. Have a look here. It’s also crucial to remember that the World Health Organization (WHO) holds the responsibility for declaring a pandemic, not the individual nations.
All in all, we can conclude that coming from a website which is known to perpetuate false information and conspiracy theories (The People’s Voice), the assertion holds no truth. We have fact-checked several fake conspiracy theories published by this website on our page. No, the WHO is not seeking surveillance powers to monitor people, the WHO has not formed a police force to safeguard online content. No, Bill Gates is not promoting GMO, an mRNA vaccine will not vaccinate people against their consent. No, Piers Morgan has not developed VAIDS due to COVID vaccine. No, Bill Clinton and Pope Francis have not called for depopulation. And you can read more fact checks about The People’s Voice website here, here, here, and here.