| - Fact Check: Beware Of Phishing Link Being Shared In Name Of Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022
The message about giving Rs 6,000 per month to unemployed people under Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022 is fake. Along with this message, a phishing link is going viral. Cyber experts have advised not to click on any such link as it could lead to user’s data being hacked.
- By: Sharad Prakash Asthana
- Published: Dec 27, 2022 at 05:32 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A message has been going viral in the name of Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022. In the text message, it is being claimed that under this scheme all unemployed people will be given Rs 6,000 a month. The details of eligibility criteria have also been given in the message. For this, people have been asked to click on a link given in the message.
Vishvas News, in its investigation, found that a phishing link with this message is also going viral on social media. By clicking on the link, the user can become a victim of cyber fraud. Cyber experts advise people not to click on such links. Vishvas News has earlier investigated similar fake messages and warned people about it.
A reader forwarded the below mentioned message to the Vishvas News’ tipline number +91 95992 99372 and requested us to verify it. The message read:
प्रधानमंत्री बेरोजगार भत्ता योजना 2022 में अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन करें, इस योजना के अंतर्गत सभी युवा बेरोजगारों को 6000 रूपये हर महीने दिया जायेगा
रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के लिए निचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर अपने मोबाइल नंबर से रजिस्टर करें।
आवेदन शुल्क – 00 Rs
योग्यता – 10वी पास
आयु – 18 से 40 वर्ष
निचे दी गयी लिंक से अभी रजिस्ट्रेशन करें
Register yourself for the Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022, under this scheme the unemployed youth will be given Rs 6,000 every month.
To register, click on the link given below and register with your mobile number.
Application fee – Rs 00
Qualification – 10th pass
Age – 18 to 40 years
Register now on the link given below
Facebook user Sonu Kumar Shaw (Archive Link) also posted the same message on December 20.
To fact-check such viral claims, we first checked at the link provided in the message. The link given in this message does not seem to be of any government website or department. This is a short URL and is evidently suspicious. If it was a government scheme, there would have been a complete link to a government website, in which would have been written at the end.
In this regard, we did an open search on Google using keywords. We did not find any such news on any reliable website, which could confirm this claim. For more information, we also searched the website of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India, but could not find any such circular or press release.
We spoke to cyber expert and founder of Indian Cyber Army, Kislay Chaudhary, in this regard. He said, “This is a phishing link. PIB has also warned about this. This message is fake. Cyber thugs lure people into their net by sending phishing links with such tempting messages. By clicking on such a link, your data can be hacked. For this, always check the link carefully and confirm it by visiting the official website.“
We scanned the profile of Facebook user ‘Sonu Kumar Shaw‘ who shared the fake message. According to this, he is a resident of Howrah and has around 5,000 friends.
Conclusion: The message about giving Rs 6,000 per month to unemployed people under Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022 is fake. Along with this message, a phishing link is going viral. Cyber experts have advised not to click on any such link as it could lead to user’s data being hacked.
- Claim Review : Under Pradhan Mantri Berojgar Bhatta Yojana 2022, all unemployed people will be given Rs 6,000 per month
- Claimed By : FB User- Sonu Kumar Shaw
- Fact Check : False
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