| - FACT CHECK: Image Shows Fake Lockdown Announcement From The Philippines
An image shared on Facebook claims to show a lockdown announcement from the Philippines’ government.
Verdict: False
The image has been altered. The original image was created in 2021, not 2023.
Fact Check:
The Philippines is facing a surge in COVID-19 cases this month, with the country reopening COVID-19 treatment wards, according to the Taipei Times. Authorities are advising those testing positive to undergo a seven-day quarantine, the outlet reported.
The Facebook image claimed that the Philippines is undertaking a lockdown in Manila and the surrounding provinces between April 26 and May 26. An ECQ is known as an “enhanced community quarantine.”
There is, however. no evidence for any such lockdown. If Manila and the surrounding regions had gone on lockdown, media outlets would have covered it, yet none have. The Interagency Task Force has recommended Alert 1 status since April 14.
“1. Intrazonal and interzonal travel shall be allowed without regard to age and comorbidities. 2.All establishments, persons, or activities, are allowed to operate, work, or be undertaken at full on-site or venue/seating capacity provided it is consistent with minimum public health standards; provided further, that face to face classes for basic education shall be subject to prior approval of the Office of the President,” reads the Department of the Health’s website about Alert 1 status.
Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found that the Facebook image has been altered from the original. The original was posted on Facebook in March 2021, which shows that the announcement was meant for March 29 until April 4 that year.
This claim was first fact-checked by AFP Fact Check. (RELATED: Is Bill Gates Wanted For Murder In The Philippines?)
This is not the first time COVID-19 has been used to spread misinformation online. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim suggesting AeroFarms, a sustainable indoor agriculture company, was putting the COVID-19 vaccine into food.