| - Last Updated on September 19, 2023 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A Facebook post claimed that kidney disease can be treated using the essential oil of the croton plant. We checked the assertion. According to our research, the claim is False.
The Claim
According to a widely shared Facebook post titled “Herbal Medication Trinidad,” the leaves of the Croton zehntneri plant, which come in 18 different colors, may be very effective for people with kidney disease. A screenshot of the post has been shared for your reference.
Fact Check
Is the viral claim reliable?
No, it is risky to accept what was stated in the post. In addition, it is unwise to trust the herbalist in the video, Dr. Trevor Sayers. This is because the video is ambiguous about what stage of kidney disease the croton plant can treat. Furthermore, his treatments for serious illnesses like chronic kidney disease are not supported by any scientific evidence.
What is referred to as chronic kidney disease?
The term ‘chronic kidney disease‘ refers to a variety of conditions that affect the structure and operation of the kidney. The cause, pathology, severity, and rate of progression are factors that influence how different diseases manifest themselves. One sign of the condition is a progressive decline in kidney function. The kidneys filter the wastes and extra fluids in the blood, and the resulting urine is excreted. If renal illness advances, the body may amass dangerous amounts of fluid, electrolytes, and wastes.
Age, genetics, diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation in the kidney’s filtering units, tubules, or surrounding structures, and even obstruction of the urinary tract due to diseases like enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and some cancers are the main risk factors for chronic renal diseases.
Do chronic kidney diseases respond to croton plant treatment?
No, Croton zehntneri leaves cannot treat kidney disease. However, the aromatic Croton zehntneri plant is indigenous to Northeast Brazil, and the region’s residents use its essential oil to treat a wide range of diseases. The essential oil has muscular cramp and spasm-relieving, cardiovascular, and gastroprotective properties in addition to blocking neuromuscular transmission and inducing pain relief. However, we were unable to find any strong evidence in favor of its use in the treatment of chronic renal disease. On the other hand, there is evidence that suggests that high doses of the essential oil of Croton zehntneri may be extremely toxic and could harm the renal tubules.
How are chronic kidney diseases addressed?
Both herbal medicines and conventional allopathic medicines are used to handle the chronic renal disease. It should be stressed that herbal remedies are used to prevent serious renal conditions. This is because they have the ability to strengthen the body’s natural antioxidant defense mechanisms. Thus, these remedies are considered to be a reliable, affordable, accessible, and generally safe source. These herbal options primarily consist of guava leaves, ginger, grape, turmeric, beetroot juice, stinging nettle, onions, apples, and tea.
The goal of conventional allopathic therapy is to slow the progression of kidney damage, usually by addressing the underlying cause. Lifestyle modifications along with medication prescribed for the renal condition can be used to treat the very cause of the condition. However, sometimes even limiting the cause of kidney damage might not prevent the harm from getting worse. Without artificial filtering, dialysis, or a kidney transplant, end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal, can develop from chronic kidney disease.
THIP MEDIA TAKE: Chronic kidney disease, which is widespread and crippling worldwide, places a financial and social strain on healthcare systems. If left untreated, kidney failure, the final stage of CKD, can be fatal. Therefore, relying solely on herbal remedies to treat CKD poses a risk. In addition, research suggests that chronic kidney disease cannot be treated with croton leaf essential oil. Additionally, using too much croton essential oil can harm the kidneys. Thus, the claim is false.