| - Medanta, a chain of specialty hospitals, has denied a viral audio clip on ways to take care during COVID-19 outbreak, attributed to its chairman and managing director, Dr Naresh Trehan.
The audio clip has resurfaced with the second wave of the pandemic as the backdrop.
The audio clip is a three-minute long monologue that advises listeners on how to behave and take precaution during a "crucial time" till April 14 of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; the narrator warns of an exponential spread of the coronavirus followed by death, as such an incident has happened abroad in countries like Italy. He suggests taking particular care of the elderly and children, which he categorises as vulnerable groups, and recommends that everybody stay inside during this time. He further advises people to gargle with hot water with turmeric and salt, and ends by asking to spread the message to as many people as possible.
Also Read: False: Salt Or Vinegar Warm Water Gargle Eliminates The Coronavirus
Medanta is a hospital chain in India headquartered in Gurgaon, present in a total of 10 locations across India.
The audio can be heard below.
It is accompanied with the following caption:
"This is the msg from Medanta Hospital's Dr. Trehan. Kindly listen carefully and forward to everybody in ur groups."
BOOM received this message several times on its WhatsApp tipline (7700906588)
India has reported 62,714 new cases in the last 24 hours, with Maharashtra set to impose a night curfew from March 28.
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Medanta has repeatedly taken to social media to refute these claims last year as well as recently.
Recently, the verified handle of Medanta tweeted a representation of this message stating that it is fake.
They also posted the clarification on Facebook.
"There is a message circulating on WhatsApp in Dr. Naresh Trehan's name. If the message has not come from the official channels of Medanta Hospital, please do not forward it. Be aware of such false and dangerous news!"
Last year, when this went viral, Medanta took to social media to refute this as well.
Has Dr. Trehan put out precaution?
Yes. Last year, at the onset of the pandemic, Medanta had put out a video of Dr Trehan speaking of the coronavirus and recommending caution. But his recommendations are a far cry from the content in the audio clip.
Rather, Dr Trehan advised social distancing, wearing a mask, avoiding of physical contact, frequent washing of hands and avoiding of crowded places. He also encouraged people with symptoms to come forward and consult a doctor.
His video can be seen below.
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