| - A WhatsApp forward describing three stages of COVID-19 along with details of a COVID-19 kit for households, has been falsely attributed to Tata Health.
The message contains a link to Tata Health's website. Adding a URL of genuine website to a text message is often a strategy to lend credibility to the message itself.
BOOM contacted Tata Health - which denied that the message originated from them.
Tata Health is a digital health platform with a range of online and offline services that provide medical advice through chat/ video. The organisation is currently providing consultations free of charge.
"This particular message regarding Covid medical kit you are referring to is fake and has not been shared or created by Tata Health. However, the link in the message is correct and leads to a service provided by us," a spokesperson for Tata Health told BOOM.
The message provides a list of things that should be a part of a COVID medical kit and should be available at every household. The list includes medicines like Paracetamol, vitamin C and D3 medicines, B complex, vapour capsules for steams, Betadine for mouth gargles, pulse oximeter for measuring oxygen levels, and oxygen cylinders along with the government's aarogya setu application.
Below is the screenshot of the viral message BOOM received on its WhatsApp helpline.
The message also details three stages of COVID-19- in the nose, in the throat, and in the lungs. It further recommends measuring oxygen levels through the oximeter and only recommends visiting a hospital when the oxygen levels are between 98-100 without mentioning a unit.
The message is also viral on Facebook.
The post has also been shared on Instagram.
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Covid Medical kit Required at home: 1. Paracetamol 2. Betadine for mouthwash and gargle 3. Vitamin C and D3 5. B complex 6. Vapour+ capsules for steam 7. Oximeter 8. Oxygen cylinder (for emergency only) 9. arogya Setu app 10.Breathing Exercises Covid Three stages: 1. Covid only in nose - recovery time is half a day. (Steam inhaling), vitamin C. Usually no fever. Asymptomatic. 2. Covid in throat - sore throat, recovery time 1 day (hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if temp then paracetamol. Vitamin C, Bcomplex. If severe than antibiotic. 3. Covid in lungs- coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days. (Vitamin C, B complex, hot water gargle, oximeter, paracetamol, cylinder if severe, lot of liquid required, deep breathing exercise. Stage when to approach hospital: Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes near 43 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder. If available at home, then no hospital else admit. *Stay healthy, Stay Safe!* Please fwd to your contacts in India. You never know who it may help. Tata Group has started good initiative, they are providing free doctors consultation online through chats. This facility is started for you so that you need not to go out for doctors and you will be safe at home. Below is the link, I reqest everyone to take benefit of this facility. #coronavirus #FightAgainstCoronaVirus #StayHomeStaySafe #telugunews #journalist sai
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Oximeters And Oxygen Cylinders For Homes
The message details the need of pulse oximeters and sometimes oxygen cylinders as equipment that should be a part of COVID medical kits.
BOOM spoke to Dr. Jai Mullerpattan, pulmonologist, Hinduja Hospital for the need of these equipment.
"Many of our patients suffering from other pulmonary issues do use pulse oximeters, so having one definitely helps but there should be no need to hoard them. For oxygen cylinders. I believe medical centers are better equipped to help patients," said Dr. Mullerpattan.
Dr. Mullerpattan emphasises that panic buying of oxygen cylinders will lead to problems of refilling these cylinders. Hospitals have contracts for refilling them.
Currently, Mumbai has 62 oxygen supported beds in quarantine and isolation centres, 6208 oxygen supported beds in dedicated COVID health centers, and 7912 oxygen supported beds in dedicated COVID hospitals.
Three Stages of Coronavirus?
BOOM also asked Dr. Mullerpattan about the three stages of COVID-19 mentioned in the message.
Symptoms of COVID-19 can only be ascertained as the disease after being tested. Dr. Mullerpattan mentioned that there is no scientific evidence supporting that steam inhalation or drinking hot water prevents COVID-19.
"Preventionary measures are fine but this message recommends self-medicating. None of the medicines or steps should be taken without consulting a doctor."
The message also mentions a specific number of days it would take to recover from the illness. There is no scientific evidence so far stating that if the virus is present in the nose, the recovery will take half a day. The recovery depends on a person's immunity. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) recommends people with mild symptoms to self-isolate and follow a doctor's advice.
BOOM has previously debunked messages that recommend teas, coffees, drinking hot water as ways to prevent and treat COVID-19. According to the World Health Organisation, the only way that the spread of the virus can be prevented is through following social distancing, continuous hand-washing, and wearing masks in the open.
There is no prescribed medical prevention, treatment, or cure for the COVID-19 so far.
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