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Claim: Former Vice President Leni Robredo’s campaign spending in her Statement of Contributions and Expenditures was huge and went beyond what was allowed by the Commission on Election (Comelec). Robredo’s SOCE was not made available to the public.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: As of writing, the Facebook post has gotten more than 380 reactions, 270 comments, and 20 shares.
The bottom line: According to Robredo’s SOCE, the former vice president spent P388,347,278.99 for the 2022 elections. This is P285.7 million less than the P674-million ceiling set by the Comelec for presidential and vice presidential candidates running independently.
Comelec’s basis for the P674 million ceiling: According to Comelec Resolution No.10730, each presidential and vice presidential candidate running independently may spend P10 per registered voter.
There were 67.4 million registered voters in 2022 multiplied by P10, which is the aggregate amount they can spend for every voter during an election. The ceiling for the 2022 elections that presidential and vice presidential candidates running independently could use was P674 million.
What is declared in SOCEs covers only expenses during the official campaign period, which in 2022 started on February 8, because aspirants for elective positions were not yet regarded as “candidates” prior to that time. As a result, candidates may theoretically exceed the spending limit up until the start of the campaign period. – Owenh Jake Toledo/
Owenh Jake Toledo is a graduate of Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here. Keep us aware of suspicious Facebook pages, groups, accounts, websites, articles, or photos in your network by contacting us at Let us battle disinformation one Fact Check at a time.
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