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Claim: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) deployed 10,000 troops in Ukraine.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The video posted on Facebook has 79,000 views, 1,900 reactions, 117 shares, and 267 comments, as of writing.
No NATO troops inside Ukraine: NATO had said on March 23 that they will not be sending troops to Ukraine, as their organization’s actions are defensive in nature – designed not to provoke conflict, but prevent it.
Troops only at the borders of member-countries: Because NATO views the Ukraine-Russia war as a danger to Europe, they have deployed troops in some parts of Eastern Europe (outside the western border of Ukraine), which are members of the organization. These countries are Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania.
During the Madrid Summit in June, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said they will increase the number of high readiness defense forces to 300,000 in these countries, enhancing the battlegroups up to brigade level.
Aid to Ukraine: The organization extends its help to Ukraine by coordinating its requests for assistance and by supporting the delivery of humanitarian and non-lethal aid of its allies.
NATO’s allies are providing billions of euros of financial assistance to Ukraine. Its member-countries also are sending weapons, ammunition, and many types of light and heavy military equipment. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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