| - On 23 December 2015, the web site Christian Times Newspaper published an article claiming that Donald Trump had been removed from the Republican primary ballots in five states. The claim was quickly picked up by online publications and commentators:
BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!
In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.
The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:
Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.
While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.