| - FACT CHECK: Did Karine Jean-Pierre Express Concern About The Trade Deal Between Brazil And China?
A post shared on Twitter purports that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre expressed concern about a new economic relationship between Brazil and China.
📝 «We are deeply concerned about the transition of Brazil and China to national currencies in mutual payments. This is a violation of the rights of our citizens, who count on a stable dollar exchange rate on the world market” she said
So dumb , why USA 🇺🇸 shoot itself 😂
— 龙哥Race:(Blood is thicker than water) (@AntiWar_dude) April 3, 2023
Verdict: False
The claim is inaccurate. There is no evidence that Jean-Pierre made this statement.
Fact Check:
In an effort to crack down on Asian e-commerce giants, Brazil will impose a strong tax policy to raise government funds, Reuters reported. Former President Jair Bolsonaro returned to Brazil from the U.S. after his controversial presidential loss where he will be under investigation for potentially inciting riot, according to BBC News.
The Facebook post claims that Jean-Pierre has shared the White House’s concern about China’s involvement in Brazil. The post shares a photo of the press secretary and does not provide information on when this statement was made.
“‘We are deeply concerned about the transition of Brazil and China to national currencies in mutual payments,'” the post reads, attributing the statement to Jean-Pierre. “‘This is a violation of the rights of our citizens, who count on a stable dollar exchange rate on the world market.'”
There is no evidence Jean-Pierre made this statement. There has been no such statement made by the White House press releases or on their press briefings. Jean-Pierre did not share these alleged concerns on her official Press Secretary Twitter account. (RELATED: No, This Image Does Not Show A Mugshot Of Donald Trump)
The deal between Brazil and China being referenced is most likely a recent trade deal that will allow Brazil to use China’s currency rather than the U.S. dollar. Brazil will now conduct trade deals directly with China using the yuan, no longer using the dollar for these transactions, Fox Business reported.
This is not the first time misinformation regarding political events in other countries has spread online. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim Vladimir Putin was arrested.