| - Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take:
A number of social media videos show that popular journalist and news presenter Rajat Sharma is endorsing a diabetes medication on India TV. After analysing the claim, we found it to be completely false.
The Claim:
According to multiple extensively shared Facebook reels, videos well-known news anchor Rajat Sharma is endorsing a medication that cures diabetes. Further to that, the viral clip suggests that the medication can cure diabetes with just one dose and has been assisting a large number of individuals with diabetes across the country because of an Indian government subsidy on diabetes medicines.
Fact Check
Has India TV or Rajat Sharma endorsed a diabetes medicine?
No. The video is a deep fake video. AI generated voice has been used on widely available news reading videos of Mr. Sharma. In many of the videos the lip sync also does not match thereby clearly indicating that the content is manipulated.
Similar posts have earlier been made about popular actor Mithun Chakrobarty, Shahrukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, Akshay Kumar, Yogi Adityanath and Hema Malini. In each case, the videos were picked up from their publicly available interviews and a manipulated audio was put behind it. In most of these videos the prominent personalities were shown promoting unknown diabetes medication.
We have also verified the authenticity of other deepfakes that market joint pain formulas endorsed by Dr. Devi Shetty and Dr. Deepak Chopra.
Does the medication being advertised work?
No evidence. Most of the Diabetes medication promoted through fake celebrity videos are from lesser-known brands with no scientific evidence available to support their claims.
In one of the fake videos featuring Mr. Sharma, the medicine brand attached to the claim was Our research showed that the fake news was intended to promote Botachi – apparently a Japanese company that claims to use “accelerated Phytosome technology” and “natural and benign herbs” to treat Diabetes, Heart problems and blood cholesterol.
According to their Facebook page, the product stabilises blood sugar levels and has no adverse effects. It might also aid in preventing diabetes-related complications. Facebook page claims that it is a comprehensive treatment for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The product is also available on e-commerce platforms like Amazon. The company also has put up some paid branded posts on popular news websites like Hindustan Times and Zee News.
The company’s website mentions no association with Mr. Rajat Sharma. Infact, there is no section of media coverage on the website. The YouTube channel did not have the fake video of Mr. Sharma and the video was also not uploaded from their company page on Facebook.
We could not find any scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of the product. Furthermore, the company’s website or its ecommerce listing pages have no proper mention of the ingredients used in the product. All calls to the company’s board line number given on their website went unanswered.
In a previously given interview on THIP Media, popular diabetologist Dr. V Mohan talked about the various Diabetes reversal programs and products that are peddled on social media. He mentioned, “Most of the people who conduct these programs are not doctors, but businessmen who resort to unproven methods for diabetes reversal, many of which are not sustainable and some even harmful.”
Is Diabetes a concern in India?
Yes. India has earned the title of Diabetes Capital of the World due to the rise of diabetes as a serious health concern in the nation.
According to estimates from the World Health Organisation, 77 million individuals over the age of 18 have a Type 2 diabetes assessment, while around 25 million are prediabetics. It should be emphasised that several variables contribute to the prevalence of diabetes.
One important factor in the development of diabetes is a sedentary lifestyle. However, the other causes of diabetes include genetic factors, hormones, and certain underlying medical conditions.
Studies have shown that there is a poor level of knowledge regarding diabetes. It is impossible to identify and treat it accurately and promptly because of the lack of awareness among the general public. This eventually results in diabetes-related complications. These problems may lead to diminished function of the kidneys, eyes, heart, and even the brain.
Diabetes not only has significant health effects but also has a negative financial impact on the sufferer, establishing a financial burden. This is because managing blood sugar requires customised treatment plans. The comprehensive treatment includes prescribed medications, embracing a healthy lifestyle, and regular check-ups with the doctor. Furthermore, diabetes indirectly affects a person’s ability to work, thus increasing their economic status.
Hence, diabetes is a complicated and serious health issue in India due to a combination of an inactive lifestyle, a lack of awareness, and economic ramifications.
Can Diabetes be cured by medicines?
No, not right away. Please be advised that, currently, there is no outright cure for diabetes. According to the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act of 1954, it is punishable to say that diabetes can be cured. However, the recommended diabetic medications are crucial to the all-encompassing care of this complex illness. These not only address the insulin response but also make a major positive impact on life quality.
It has been emphasised that type 2 diabetes patients benefit greatly from dietary adjustments, weight control strategies, and changes in lifestyle. It should be made clear, though, that while holistic treatment may show promise for a substantial improvement, it does not always imply an overall recovery. Additionally, in the domain of continuing research, there are innovative studies that support individuals with type 2 diabetes by focusing on weight management. Future diabetes therapies and cures are also being researched, and some promising developments are anticipated.
On the other hand, in cases diagnosed with type 1, patients are usually dependent on insulin, which they might need to take several times during the day to control their blood glucose levels.
A lot of drugs and supplements that positions themselves as miracle cure to Diabetes bank on the efficacy of their herbal ingredients. Herbal ingredients and alternative medicinal fields like Ayurveda also does not always support the tall claims made by these dubious products.
Explaining the Ayurveda viewpoint of Diabetes, Dr. Rammanohar, Research Director of the Amrita School of Ayurveda, explains, “In Ayurveda, early-stage diabetes is referred to as Kapha Prameha, and it can be healed by changing certain lifestyle habits and using supportive medications. Pittaprameha, an advanced form of diabetes, is thought to be incurable but controlled with lifetime medical care. Ayurveda says that when diabetes reaches the very severe stages of vataprameha, it is completely unmanageable. As of now, no magical herb or formulation has been discovered.”
Chhavi Kohli, an experienced Nutritionist and diabetes educator, explains, “Diabetes is believed to be caused by irreversible damage to pancreatic cells or by an increased sensitivity to insulin. Hence, diabetes cannot be cured completely, but it can be managed through proper medication, diet, and lifestyle changes.”
It is imperative that lifestyle factors, such as nutrition and exercise, receive top priority. Herbal and contemporary medicines both contribute to the therapy process as adjuncts. This is confirmed by current research as well. A well-known study on diabetes that was published in The Lancet implies that trying to control your condition with medication will make you a lifelong diabetic.
Dr. V. Mohan, mentioned, “Everybody is keen to avoid diabetes medicines thinking that they produce side-effects and that they are dangerous. If medicines are used judiciously and in proper dosages, they are quite safe. I have a large number of patients who have completed 40, 50 or even 60 years of diabetes and regularly taking diabetes medicines, and they are all doing well. Of course, diet and physical activities are the corner stone of type 2 diabetes treatment. This does not mean that when needed, diabetic medicine should not be used.”
What is the suggested course of treatment for diabetes?
Diabetes treatment recommendations vary depending on the type and severity of the disease. For Type 1, the mainstay of treatment is the use of insulin pumps or injections to control blood sugar levels. It is important to emphasise that people with type 1 diabetes should regularly check their blood sugar levels and modify their insulin dosages as required.
Type 2, however, calls for a more comprehensive strategy. Insulin injections or prescribed oral medications are typically part of this therapy. Depending on how severe their ailment is, some patients may require a mix of therapies.
In an earlier given interview on THIP Media, Ms. Kohli mentioned, Diabetes management plan varies from person to person and medicines are often adjusted to a person’s lifestyle.
Lifestyle changes are just as important for treating diabetes as medication. These modifications include maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, incorporating regular exercise, and monitoring your carbohydrate intake. Further, patients with diabetes require a specific dental care plan to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.