| - FACT CHECK: Telangana’s Shivalinga is being shared as Sri Lanka’s
- By: Pallavi Mishra
- Published: Jul 31, 2019 at 06:20 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas Team) Photo of a Shivalinga is going viral on social media these days. The post claims that this is world’s tallest Shivalinga at 108 ft and it is located in Sri Lanka. In our investigation, we found that this Shivalinga is actually located in Telangana and not in Sri Lanka. Also, this is not the tallest Shivalinga in the world. The tallest Shivalinga is located in Kerala’s Maheshwaram Shiva Parvati temple and it is 111.2 ft High.
The viral post has photo of a Shivalinga in it. The post claims that this is world’s largest Shivalinga at 108 ft and it is located in Sri Lanka.The claim reads: ” 108 feet Shivalinga in Sri Lanka is finally ready. This is the highest Shivling in the world, chant Har Har Mahadev.”
To start our investigation, we first searched this photo on Google Reverse Image. In the search we found a tweet from a Twitter handle named Shiva Shakthi Sai TV. This tweet was posted on Feb 5, 2018. The tweet’s description was: “63 Feet Veda sai mahalingeshwara prathista || #siddhaguru Sri Ramananada maharshi || #Ramaneshwaram, Nagireddypalli, Bhongir”. The post had 4 photos out of which, one was the viral Shivalinga’s.
According to the description, this Shivalinga is 63 feet high Veda Sai Mahalingeshwar, which is located in Nagireddypalli, Bhongir. When we searched with ’63 Feet Veda Sai MahaLingeshwara’ keywords on the Internet, we landed on a page of website where this photo was used. This website belongs to spiritual guru Siddhaguru Shri Ramanand Maharishi. According to this page, this is “Ved Sai Maha Lingeshwar” and it is 63 feet high.
For more confirmation, we talked to Laxman Kumar Paladugu, manager of spiritual guru Siddhaguru Sri Ramanand Maharishi, who told us that this Shivling is located in Nagireddypalli, Bhongir, Telangana. He also shared the exact map location of this Shivalik with us. He told us that the height of this Shivling is 63 feet and it is made from steel and plaster of paris.
After this, when we searched for the tallest Shivalinga, we found a news report on Indian Express. According to this report, the tallest Shivalinga is 111.2 ft high and is located at Maheshwaram Shiva Parvati temple in Kerala.
This post was shared by a Facebook user Usha Singh, on the Facebook page named ‘Chanakya, Ideology and Sukhi Jeevan’. This page has a total of 617,118 members.
Conclusion: In our investigation, we found that this Shivalinga is actually located in Telangana and not in Sri Lanka. Also, this is not the tallest Shivalinga in the world. The tallest Shivalinga is located in Kerala’s Maheshwaram Shiva Parvati temple and it is 111.2 ft High.
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- Claim Review : World's largest Shivalinga at 108 ft and it is located in Sri Lanka
- Claimed By : Facebook Page चाणक्य, सुविचार और सुखी जीवन
- Fact Check : False