| - By: Nikolaj Kristensen
October 13 2023
Bacon is made from pork, not dogs. A misleading voiceover was added to a How It’s Made video as a comedic parody.
According to a video uploaded to Facebook on October 10, 2023, most bacon is made from dog meat. In the video, while showing images of meat going through factory machinery, a speaker says, “It all starts with a load of skinned dog carcasses. Most factories elect to use dogs because it’s cheaper than pork, and customers can rarely taste the difference.” The video is captioned, “Dog carcasses. Wait, what did he say they make bacon out of?” The same video is circulating on TikTok.
It is, however, not dog carcasses but pork that’s seen in the video. The misleading voiceover was added to a Discovery ‘How It’s Made’ segment.
In fact
Through a Google reverse image search of video keyframes, we found the video claiming bacon is made from dog meat on the YouTube channel Huggbees. The video, titled ‘How It’s Actually Made - Bacon’ was uploaded on May 20, 2018, and has amassed more than 10 million views. The description of the video reads, “Don't tell Youtube but I DVR'd this from The Science Channel.”
According to Wikitubia, a website described as the “unofficial YouTube wiki run by fans,” Huggbees is mostly known for “comedic parodies on educational television shows”. His most popular series is How It's Actually Made, a parody of the documentary TV series How It's Made, it says on the website.
How It’s Made is a TV series about how various everyday products are made. In the U.S. it aired on the Science Channel, part of the Warner Bros. Discovery Networks. On the YouTube channel of Discovery UK, we found the original video of how bacon is made. In this clip, the speaker explains that the meat going through factory machinery is really a load of pork bellies tossed into a big tumbler.
Logically Facts has reached out to Huggbees for comment.
The verdict
Bacon is made from pork, not skinned dog carcasses. A misleading voiceover was added to a How It’s Made video as a comedic parody. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.