| - The original source of the video, in which Trump allegedly threatens Putin with helping Ukraine take control of additional Russian territories unless he engages in peaceful dialogue with Ukraine, is a Ukrainian Telegram channel that publishes deepfakes. At this time Donald Trump had not made any such statements.
Users on social media, along with some media outlets, began spreading a video in which newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump appears to be speaking at a White House briefing, claiming to have discussed resolving the war in Ukraine with Putin. In his speech, the U.S. leader supposedly offers Putin a deal.
«So I said, Vladimir, listen, this is complete nonsense. You need to understand, I am not Joe Biden. Either you make a fair deal, or we will ensure that some Russian territories end up in the Ukrainian constitution. And trust me, people will love it,» Trump allegedly stated.
There is no evidence, aside from this video, which was initially circulated by Telegram channels, that U.S. President Donald Trump actually made such statements.
Using the Osavul platform, we determined that the video, in which Trump supposedly addresses the Kremlin leader in this manner, first appeared on the Telegram channel «Baza, this is Houston.» The channel’s description states that its goal is «reacting to news using creative technologies.» The website linked to this channel also mentions that the company specializes in creating «cool deepfakes.»
Other channels and media picked up the deepfake, which was created as a joke, interpreting it as a real Trump speech. It is worth noting that this is not the first time deepfakes from this channel have led to the spread of fake news. Previously, media outlets reported on another alleged Trump address to Putin, in which he supposedly referenced the fates of Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceaușescu, and Muammar Gaddafi. This video was also first published by «Baza, this is Houston.»
As of February 10, 2025, no official meetings have taken place between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, both leaders have expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue, particularly regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. On February 9, 2025, Donald Trump stated that he had spoken with Putin over the phone «to try to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine,» but did not disclose any specific details of their conversation. Next week, the U.S. president plans to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Previously, StopFake debunked a deepfake featuring former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi, in which he supposedly announced preparations for a military coup, as well as a deepfake of former White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, where she allegedly claimed that World War II was won solely by the U.S. and Ukraine.